The human body is a thing of miracle. However, it's also weird.
Bodies can develop all sorts of strange idiosyncrasies and over time, we just accept that that's what our bodies do.
We can't change it even if we wanted to.
u/CrapBag69 asked:
What weird thing does your body do that you just accept?
Here were some of those answers.
I have spinal stenosis, basically my vertebra are thickening and pressing against my spinal cord in my upper neck and lower spine.
It causes numbness in my extremities and I have to do special stretches to help relieve the pressure but man sometimes I'll sit for a little bit too long and it's like my feet don't exist. I'll try to walk but it's like walking on stumps.
Back to the stretches and within 10 minutes the feeling returns. I use to do 100 mile bicycle rides, now I'm lucky if I can walk three blocks without tripping and falling.
Mah Head!
I have Exploding Head Syndrome, which is a lot scarier sounding than it actually is-- a sleep phase disorder. Basically, when I'm falling asleep I occasionally hear random phantom noises that startle me back awake. For me, I most commonly hear someone shouting my name, an unintelligible brief yell, knocking on the door, or the doorbell. I've noticed over the years that it tends to happen mostly when I'm overtired and/or anxious, and I may not have one for months and then have them every other day for a week.
The Phantom Pain
I have neurological issues that make me have "phantom" feelings.
For instance the last two days I've had a burning sensation, like if I'd rested a hot soup bowl on my thigh, but there's nothing there.
It can feel like little bug bites, scratches or "streaky" burns. It's never severe, mostly just weird to feel a distinct sensation for no reason.
Sometimes I'll ask a family member to check for marks.
The other day I pulled up my shirt, turned around and asked my mom if there was anything on my back.
She was like, "Oh my goodness! There is! Looks like one of the cats got you!"
And we were both so weirdly delighted I'd actually been mauled. lol
Step Out, Step Out Of The Sun
I'm white and pale af. Normally avoid sun exposure due to not tolerating heat well and skin cancer running in the family.
But earlier this summer I spent quite a bit of time in the desert. I got several shades darker, except for a bunch of random spots that are still white.
They weren't covered and had the same amount of sun exposure as the rest of me, but just no color change at all. Biggest spot is on my bicep but there are random spots everywhere.
I've always had a streak like that along my hairline (hair also grows in white there too) that my mom said was a birth mark. I'm guessing these "new" spots have always been there too but never apparent because I avoid sun exposure.
I don't feel dehydrated even though I am. When I was a kid, I've gone whole days without drinking anything.
I've just learnt to force myself to drink water every hour. Until I developed this routine, I never understood how my lips were supposed to feel like as they were always dry.
My Eyes!
I get ocular migraines sometimes. They're not terribly frequent, though maybe once in a while they'll be persistent for a week or so. It's a strange experience. No pain, no headache, but an actual blind spot develops in my vision, that 'appears' sort of like a lightning bolt, it hovers there for about 20-30 minutes then gradually subsides. I'll tend to feel a bit weird for maybe an hour or two afterward but then back to normal.
They seem to be triggered by a combination of poor sleep, dehydration and (maybe) caffeine + stress. Have had them off-and-on for about 10 years probably. Consulted with a couple doctors about it and they've said it's probably nothing to be too worried about unless it starts happening more frequently/intensely.
Ribs That Shift
I get sharp intense pains on the left bottom side of my ribs randomly. I just suck in air and hope my rib didn't puncture my lung. Sometimes its when I'm working out, but sometimes I'm literally just standing there and whoops popped a lung.
Left Brain Right Brain
I was born with a disorder that makes crossover motion between both sides of my body more challenging. Riding a bike took me a year to master, for context. The hardest thing for me to do autopilot is stairs, though. If I don't think about it, my body automatically goes one at a time with both feet rather than alternating.
Drink Me!
I have Alice In Wonderland syndrome.
Basically, sometimes my brain makes me think that I'm swelling up, like I'm being inflated like a balloon. And I feel all big - like I'm getting too big for the room. That normally happens when I'm starting to feel sleepy. Occasionally I'll go the opposite way and feel as if I'm being squashed down from above, like a giant hand is pressing me down into the road and everything is towering above me. I can normally 'ground' myself by feeling myself and reassuring my brain that I'm normal sized if it's a 'big balloon' feeling, or by staring up at the sky then slowly adjusting to the horizon for a few moments if it's a 'squashed small' feeling.
I get one time hiccups every now and again. Just to make them a bit more noticable they sound like someone stepped on a squeaky toy, or as someone once thought; a ninja bird squawking behind her.
It's a great ice breaker if nothing else, it's worse when I get regular hiccups and it sounds like a puppy going to town with it's new toy.