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Dermatologist Writes Notes Next To Guy's Moles After His Wife Circled Them Out Of Concern

Dermatologist Writes Notes Next To Guy's Moles After His Wife Circled Them Out Of Concern

Brinlee Miles, the 20-year-old wife of Ryan Miles, was understandably concerned when a bunch of new moles and other skin occurrences began to show up on her husband's body.

So, she sent him to the dermatologist with all of the spots of concern clearly marked and circled.

When her husband returned from the doctor, she was delighted to find that the doctor had responded on her husband's body, next to the moles that she'd circled, with little notes about each mark.


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Ryan's family has a history with skin cancer, says Miles, and so the two were worried about developing spots.

"We had been watching some spots on him previously, so I had just circled the ones we were worried about to see if the doctor was concerned about those spots as well...especially the ones on his back that he couldn’t see very well to point out."





Miles was thankful for the little notes, because in the end, it let her know exactly what was going on with each one.

Moles that were of no concern were simply marked "good." Others, that were unknown, were taken and biopsied--as the doctor noted next to the bandaids they'd left over the spot.

And it was lucky that Miles had gone to the doctor.





As it turned out, one of the marks was indeed early-stages cancer.

"The [mole] on his chest contained cancer cells in the early stages and needs to be removed soon," Brinlee said to Buzzfeed News.

"The one they took from his back looks good, but they still wanted to keep an eye on it to make sure nothing changes."





Thankfully, despite the one mole he will need removed, Ryan appears to be just fine.

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