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Rudy Giuliani Denies Rumors He Has A Drinking Problem In Bizarre Interview

Rudy Giuliani Denies Rumors He Has A Drinking Problem In Bizarre Interview
NBC 4 New York

Former Mayor of New York city Rudy Giuliani insisted during a recent interview with NBC New York he does not have a problematic relationship with alcohol.

The personal lawyer and advisor to Donald Trump said:

"I'm not an alcoholic. I'm a functioning..."

Giuliani then changed track mid-sentence, and finished after a pause:

"I probably function more effectively than 90% of the population."

He further denied any of his more outrageous blunders on television were in any way related to alcohol consumption.

"I don't think I've ever done an interview drunk. I have, sometimes... I mean, I drink normally."
"I like Scotch, I drink Scotch."

Several people who have struggled with alcohol themselves, or had people close to them who do, said they saw parallels between Giuliani's answer and their own pasts.

Some questioned what "normal" scotch drinking means.

This is far from the first time Giuliani's potential over-consumption of alcohol has been discussed in the media.

In 2019, several of former President Trump's allies suggested Giuliani be stopped from giving interviews about Trump because of his erratic behavior and suspected drinking, according to CNBC.

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC said in 2018 one of the reasons Giuliani was passed over for a cabinet position was he was "drinking too much," and "falling asleep five minutes into meetings."

Giuliani was outraged during a subsequent interview with Politico.

"None of that is true. I'm not sleeping now. I'm in Dallas. I'm wide awake."

In regards to the allegations of problematic drinking, Giuliani replied:

"I'm not drinking for lunch. I may have a drink for dinner. I like to drink with cigars."


If you or someone close to you are struggling with substance use or mental health, help is available.

If you're in the US, you can call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to reach the SAHMSA National Helpline for resources and referrals.