"If instead of rebooting movies, retelling them from a different point of view became popular, which movie would you like retold?" –– This was today's burning question from Redditor porcupineapplepieces, and we're sad we didn't think of it first.
Can you imagine just how brilliant a version of Mean Girls would be if it were told from the perspective of the girl who doesn't even go there? How about how wild Aliens would have been if it had been told from Newt's perspective?
We need to see these! Once you start going, you just can't stop!

"I would think..."
I would think "Aliens" from Newt's perspective would be pretty substantial. How a girl survived all that and the loss of her family alone on a foreign planet.
it would be essentially the story of Newt living on Hadley's hope, some background with her and her family, to the point her parents get face hugged, how the aliens slaughtered the colony, how Newt survived in the air ducts, and what she lived through while ending with Ripley finding her and bringing her back to the marine operations base. It would be set as a claustrophobic horror movie. With a good script this movie could easily do $300 mil imo.
"It'd be great..."
Robin Hood from the Sheriff of Nottingham's perspective. It'd be great to watch a movie about a medieval cop trying to catch a highway man.
"What I would really enjoy..."
Aladdin, from Jafar's perspective.
A college theatre group did a very R-rated version that is absolutely hilarious, which can be found on YouTube under "Twisted: The Story of a Grand Vizier".
What I would really enjoy is a late 80s/early 90s hand-animated Aladdin where Jafar is the defender of the Sultan's realm against some nefarious interloper who is bent on stealing the princess' heart and worming his way into the royal family. AND he has a genie.
"Show what really happened..."
A Lion King prequel from Scar's perspective. Show what really happened before the Mufasa era and see how Mufasa cheated Scar out of the throne.
"I want to see..."
I want to see a super hero movie from the perspective of an insurance adjuster. It could be a comedy, but just like everyday he wakes up and he's enjoying his morning coffee and a bowl of oatmeal, then he flips open the morning paper and sees Iron Man went full Michael Bay again or The Avengers were back in town.
long sigh
stands up, chair squeaks on floor
clicks pen
straps iPad to hip
tightens camera strap
He's the real super hero.
"An example could be..."
An alien invasion movie told strictly from the aliens' perspective, complete with their confusion about why the humans are responding the way they are. It would make sense to us but would take the narrative form of a mystery for them. It could be a clever way to illustrate cultural misunderstanding.
An example could be "let's show them we are friendly by revealing all our weapons, to demonstrate we aren't hiding anything," which the humans would take as a threat.
I always liked that about the Borg on Star Trek. They genuinely thought they were helping the people they were conquering. A villain is scarier when it thinks it's doing the right thing.
Air Bud, but told from the POV of the kid who was pulled out of a basketball game to be replaced by a dog.
"A disabled and disfigured war hero..."
A disabled and disfigured war hero, long past his prime, hunts down a cell of terrorists, capturing one of their leaders, but not before she's able to send a message call his former mentor out of retirement. In the process of retrieving the message, a family of locals is caught in the crossfire, which said former mentor uses to his advantage to radicalize the adopted son of the family. The boy manages to destroy a critical military base, giving the terrorists legitimacy, and builds up a name for himself over the years. As the boy's exploits become more and more legendary, our hero comes upon a shocking revelation - the boy is his own son, hidden away by his former mentor. He tries and fails to convince his son to join him, but the son rejects him, forcing him to choose between his honor and his family.
Star Wars would be wild.
"The Germans explain..."
Raiders of the Lost Ark:
The Germans explain why this ineffectual American tried to interfere with their efforts to unleash the power of God.