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MMA Fighter Has His Nose Broken So Badly During Fight That He Looks Like A Picasso Painting

MMA Fighter Has His Nose Broken So Badly During Fight That He Looks Like A Picasso Painting
@Pelunaton/Twitter ; EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP via Getty Images

They say life imitates art, but we're pretty sure MMA fighter Blake Perry would rather it didn't.

During a recent bout, Perry took a hit that broke his nose so badly it has people comparing his face to a work of art ... by Picasso.

Which, for you non-art-buffs, is not a compliment.

The painter was quite fond of "unique" arrangements for facial features.

So much so that Toy Story made a joke about it.


Let's take an art break, shall we?

During his match against Marcel McCain, Blake Perry lowered his head and dropped his hands.

It was a split second error, something every MMA fighter knows not to do, but that split second was all it took.

McCain was able to land a perfect knee to Perry's face, snapping the bridge of his nose and shifting it severely across the center of his face.

WARNING: footage is intense

Amazingly, Perry wanted to continue the fight to the next round, but doctors called a stop to it.

His opponent was declared the victor and Perry was taken for medical treatment.

Which looked like this:


He joked about it on his Instagram story and posted pictures and a congratulatory message to McCain.

MMA athletes are next level tough.

Social media saw the footage and was absolutely gobsmacked.

Best wishes to Perry as he heals... which he has been doing incredibly fast. You can follow his social media for more.