You meet someone new. It's going pretty well, you're connecting, conversation is flowing smoothly.
Then they spy someone out the corner of their eye, make sure there's no one else within earshot, and drop an unabashedly racist comment.
"What makes you lose respect for someone instantly?" –– Redditor floisnotokay struck a nerve, because people were quite eager to share all the things people do to earn a permanent strike in their books.
"Lack of compassion..."
Lack of compassion and empathy for anyone in general. And Ungratefulness.
"When they won't..."
When they won't/can't let you finish a sentence. It's generally an indication that they aren't listening and are just waiting for their turn to talk instead, but can't even wait.
Talking behind someones back, using trust as an advantage, denying reality, constant lying, narcissism, lack of empathy, verbal and physical abuse.
"Bragging about..."
Bragging about their moral failings as if they were virtues. One person bragged about when he was a cashier he put everyone down for the donation even if they said no, hoping they wouldn't check the receipt, and said he won employee of the month for it. I mean, we've all done bad stuff in our lives, but most of us have the decency to feel bad about it after.
"When someone laughs..."
When someone laughs at people who trying to better themselves. I knew someone who would laugh at an out of shape jogger, or make fun of the skinny kid trying to get muscle in the gym.
"Always being the victim."
Always being the victim. Everything that happens to you is someone else's fault. Once I see that pattern in someone, I'm out.
"When someone..."
When someone asks you a question and then gets distracted by their phone while you're answering and end up completely ignoring your answer. Or just people ignoring you for their phone in general, I'm so sick of it.
Disrespect for service workers / public servants / emergency responders. Seriously, what do you think the city would look like without them?!
"If people are being themselves..."
Prejudice. If people are being themselves and not harming anyone while doing so, just let them be! What's so wrong about that?