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Cinnamon Toast Crunch Responds After Guy Finds What Appears To Be Shrimp Tails In His Cereal

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Responds After Guy Finds What Appears To Be Shrimp Tails In His Cereal
Geri Lavrov/Getty Images@JensenKarp/Twitter

Cinnamon Toast Crunch is, famously, the taste you can see.

It famously tastes (and looks) like cinnamon french toast....not like shrimp.

Unless you're this poor soul, who found sugared and cinnamoned shrimp tails in his Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Horrified, Jensen Karp, host of the Talk Ain't Cheap podcast, closed up his cereal and ran away, understandably.

When he came back later, that wasn't the only thing he unearthed in this cereal box.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch responded:

But Karp didn't necessarily want another box just yet:

Apparently this isn't General Mills' first problem with shrimp:

And Karp continued to have insane conversations with members of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch social media team--who claimed that the shrimp tails were not shrimp and were paying for a DNA test.

America is a wild place to be. A simple shrimp tail in your Cinnamon Toast Crunch will lead to a DNA test for legal reasons.

"Something for ALL social media managers to take out of this," wrote Karp, "your millionaire bosses will throw you to the wolves."

"No one outside of the social media team has tried to contact me, yet they're getting INSANE directives from them."

The matter continues to be unresolved.