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Sarah Palin's Son Arrested for Domestic Violence in Family Home

Sarah Palin's Son Arrested for Domestic Violence in Family Home

The Los Angeles Times and other news outlets report that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's oldest son, Track Palin, was arraigned Sunday morning in a courthouse in Palmer, Alaska. The 28-year-old allegedly broke into his parents' home in Wasilla, Alaska Saturday evening, beat his father, and later called the arresting police "peasants."

An Iraq War veteran, Track was charged with one count of felony burglary, one count of fourth-degree assault, and one count of fourth-degree criminal mischief for property damage, according to court documents.

The confrontation on Saturday began when Track arrived at his family's home.

The report indicates that Track, who was there to pick up a truck, was not permitted inside the home by his father, Todd Palin, because he was under the influence of pain medication and alcohol.

The confrontation escalated when Todd met his son at the door with a pistol. The Times reports that at one point Track "pleaded with his father to shoot him." According to the court filings, Track then broke a window, entered, and began beating his father.

Track Palin repeatedly hit his father in the head, leaving him covered in blood.

Sarah Palin called the police on her own son.

Court documents state that Sarah Palin told the 911 dispatcher that her son was "freaking out" and was on "some type of medication." When the police arrived, Track reportedly called them “peasants” and told the cops to lay down their weapons. Eventually, he was taken into custody, unharmed.

Track Palin remains in police custody on $5,000 bail.

This is not the first time he was arrested for domestic violence.

Some are saying Palin's son fits the profile of a domestic terrorist.

Statistically, mass shooters are white men with a history of domestic violence.

They also have access to multiple firearms.

Many believe Track is only still alive because he is white.

Should there be sympathy for the Palins?

A call to get Track much needed medical help.

There is even the suggestion that he suffers from PTSD.

Some people just want everyone to leave the Palins alone.

But that doesn't seem in the cards.

It is doubtful that Track suffers from PTSD.

Post-traumatic anxiety, or high on prescription medication?

People did not hold back what they really think of Track Palin.

Likewise, there is no forgiveness for his mother.

Absolutely zero sympathy for Sarah Palin.

Like mother, like son.

All of sudden, Sarah has conveniently found compassion for criminals.

Sarah Palin has long boasted about being tough on crime, advocating giving criminals “tougher, defensible sentences.” She has unapologetically referred to Black Lives Matter protesters as “thugs” and “rioters.”

Perhaps she'll change her tune now.

She can see Russia from her house, but she didn't see this coming?

One person made a salient point, regarding the Trump administration and Republican leaders trying to take away healthcare for millions.

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h/t: Los Angeles Times, Twitter