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GOP Senate Candidate Says Guns Are Answer To 'Tyranny' Of Mask Mandates: 'We Have To Arm Up'

GOP Senate Candidate Says Guns Are Answer To 'Tyranny' Of Mask Mandates: 'We Have To Arm Up'
Real America's Voice

In spite of the significant rise in cases of Covid-19 spreading across the country, countless Americans are not only refusing to get vaccinated, but are also protesting mask mandates.

Notable among those is Ohio Republican state Senate candidate Josh Mandel who described Ohio Governor Mike DeWine's urging—but not forcing—mask mandates at schools as "tyranny" in a recent interview on Real America's Voice.

The far-right former Ohio treasurer offered what he considered to be an obvious solution to this "problem":

Increased gun ownership.

"We need to have constitutional carry, where patriots can carry a weapon anywhere."
"At the end of the day, the Second Amendment is about combatting tyranny from the government."
"We've got tyranny coming out of the White House with Biden. But we also have tyranny coming out of governor's mansions like right here in Ohio where this squishy establishment Mike DeWine is trying to push mask mandates and vaccine passports on the people, and that's why we have to arm up."

Mandel's declaration violence was the answer to wearing masks as protection from a deadly virus which has now taken over 624,000 lives in the USA—with well over 20,000 fatalities in Ohio alone—was met with confusion and anger.

Some called the state senatorial candidate out on his questionable understanding of the 2nd amendment.

Others pointed out he was inciting violence.

They questioned if he should remain eligible for public office, with some even tagging the FBI.

Others remarked the Republican candidate believed being given the choice of wearing a mask or not going to places that require masks was a threat big enough to justify a violent armed response.

Mandel—who unsuccessfully ran for the Ohio state Senate twice previously—has never been one to shy away from controversy.

During his successful campaign for Ohio Treasurer in 2010, Mandel ran an ad which was heavily criticized for promoting Anti-Muslim bias, claiming his opponent, Kevin Boyce, was Muslim.

This past march, Mandel was banned from Twitter for 12-hours for "hateful conduct" after posting a poll asking whether "Muslim Terrorists" or "Mexican Gangbangers" would commit more crimes.

With well over a year to go until the 2022 Ohio senatorial election, It seems likely this will only be the first of many controversial hot takes from Mandel.