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Anti-Gay Pastor Slammed After Cheering Fatal Accident At Florida Pride Parade: 'I Think It's Great!'

Anti-Gay Pastor Slammed After Cheering Fatal Accident At Florida Pride Parade: 'I Think It's Great!'

A Texas pastor drew sharp criticism after he openly celebrated the recent fatal accident at a Pride parade in Florida.

According to LGBTQ Nation, Jonathan Shelley is the pastor of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Hurst, Texas. While speaking to his congregation, he rambled on about the sinful habits of LGBTQ+ people and loudly proclaimed how bad he wished they would all die.

That is not an exaggeration.

He said, "I wish all f*gs would die" multiple times in under a minute during his bigoted tirade.

You can see footage from the Evangelical Christian church's website here:

Shelley began the speech by listing all sorts of sins he claimed would condemn a person to the fires of Hell.

Then Shelley cranked up the antanti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric.

"Look, there's only one group that enjoys that: It's the Pride parades going up and down the street."
"And, you know, it's great when trucks accidentally go through those, you know, parades. I think only one person died. So hopefully we can hope for more in the future."

Shelley was referring to the recent tragedy during a Pride parade in Wilton Manors, Florida.

During the parade, a man in a pickup truck—who was a a part of the parade—accidentally drove into a crowd of people, injuring three and killing one person.

Continuing his speech, the hate-filled pastor had no shame when wishing death on countless people.

"You say, 'Well, that's mean.' Yeah, but the Bible says that they're worthy of death! You say, 'Are you sad when f*gs die?' No, I think it's great!"
"I hope they all die! I would love it if every f*g would die right now."
"And you say, 'Well, I don't think that's what you really mean.' That's exactly what I mean. I really mean it!"

Not surprisingly, people who saw the clip were outraged at the hate disguised as Christianity.

One way to combat this Christian's hateful bigotry?

Celebrate Pride loudly and proudly.