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Eric Trump Thinks 'Article 25' Should Be Invoked Against Biden—Except 'Article 25' Doesn't Actually Exist

Eric Trump Thinks 'Article 25' Should Be Invoked Against Biden—Except 'Article 25' Doesn't Actually Exist

As Joe Biden gets closer and closer to clinching the Democratic nomination for President nominee, Republicans everywhere, especially those surrounding President Trump, have begun taking increased efforts to paint him as senile and corrupt.

Of course, some attacks are less effective than others.

When Eric Trump, the President's son, appeared on Fox News, he told the show's hosts that if his father committed the same gaffes as Joe Biden, Congress would invoke the 25th article of the Constitution.

The only problem is that there is, of course, no Article 25 of the Constitution.

Eric was likely referring to the 25th Amendment, which places the power of the President in the hands of the Vice-President if the President is unfit for office.

People on Twitter couldn't help but cringe over the clip.

This was certainly not Eric's best moment.

The bigger question many people had, however, is how Eric could possibly think his father WASN'T committing gaffes on a daily basis.

President Trump is kind of the king of gaffes.

The 25th Amendment has been on the forefront of everyone's minds since the beginning of his Presidency.

Donald Trump has done little to calm those calling for his removal.

You might want to check your constitutional knowledge before attempting to break it out on TV, Eric.

If not, you may end up hurting your dad's case more than helping it.