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A Woman Randomly Serenaded Celine Dion While She Was Sitting In A Car, And Celine's Reaction Is Priceless

A Woman Randomly Serenaded Celine Dion While She Was Sitting In A Car, And Celine's Reaction Is Priceless

We've all known for quite some time that Celine Dion is an absolute queen, but she proved it after she listened to a fan serenade her while she was sitting in a car.

Freida Solomon posted a video of her singing to Celine Dion on Twitter, saying:

"Got to sing to @celinedion today and she was gracious enough to listen until the very end. She was so incredibly kind & beautiful. I posted this on my Instagram musicbyfreida."
"I feel so blessed to have met such a genuinely beautiful icon like her. ✨Looking for the full video."

Celine first asked her driver to hold on so she could listen to the girl, then fist bumped the girl and said thank you to Freida.

"You're amazing," Freida says to the icon.

Of course, the rather stoic look on her face also led to some different interpretations courtesy of the internet.

So it could either be a really precious moment or a really shady one.

And the catch is, we will never know which.

Celine Dion, as we said, is a queen.

And we mere subjects will never know whether or not we are on her good side.