It's inevitable... the day will come, and FAR sooner than you we realize. You know the day, the moment we all morph into our parents. We swear it'll never happen, we promise we'll never be that uncool or maybe we're just finally getting cool. It happens in an instant. You're going about your day, the weather is lovely, life is peaceful and then either your kid, significant other, co-worker, boss or complete stranger will do something too stupid and you'll react in a way that is foreign yet oh so familiar. If you respond with.... "You call that music? Can you PLEASE turn off that noise! - You damn kids! - In my day!-.. and so on and so on!" Then you have made the life turn.
Redditor u/itsDaco wanted to know who else among us had made that life turn by asking.... What's the most "I'm turning into my parents" moment for you?
The body is weary!
When I sit down and make a 'dad noise' "aaahhhhrgggaaa!"TheBobolly
This use to aggravate me to no end. Now I catch myself doing it as I get in and out of cars. sculderandmully2
Don't forget the corresponding noise to get up....
"Hmmph" or "hup." tinkerbal1a
Slow it Down!
My dad was a fairly tall guy, i used to hate walking with him when i was about 4/5 because he'd take giant steps and i had to basically jog everywhere while he dragged my hand. My son is now 4 and i caught myself doing that exact thing about 2 months ago. Now I walk slower. Cultural_Bandicoot
Have I told you this before?
I repeat stories. Every time I go home to visit, I'll hear things from my dad that he's either told me by phone already or stories I've heard 100 times. I found that I have also started telling people about stories from my past that I've already told them. Convenient that I don't make up BS, or I'd have to remember all my BS. BOBfrkinSAGET
Stupid Questions for $100 Alex....
Answering stupid questions with stupid answers. For Example....
Family Member: What should I do with this dirty nappy you just changed? (The nappy bin is next to her)
Me: Put it in the fridge we will eat it later. MielePap
I'm always playing "ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer." MrCheapskate_toyou
I'm only mad at the dirt!
When I would get irrationally pissed off when I would come home at night and see my roommate left a spoon in the sink instead of just washing it real quick. okrafriedokra
Had a roommate who would always open cabinets and just leave them open... we all despised each other at the end of our lease. Texan628
A chip off the old block...
I've always joked that my dad isn't really my father and I'm just a clone of my mom; I look like her, laugh like her, same mannerisms etc. Then I got the exact same health issues that she has, at the exact same age they began for her. TardigradeInAHat
Bless your heart....
My 10 year old nephew let me win a video game cuz he felt bad for me, like I did to my dad 25 years ago on Super Nintendo. dipdipbeantot
That's the one thing I'll have over my kids; I've been gaming since I was 7, I'm going to kick their butts relentlessly until my girl makes me let them win. BurntPaper
I Only See Clouds!
My dad has away worked himself to death. Now he's retired. When he comes over now as soon as he sits down on a couch he falls asleep within minutes. I'm noticing couches are starting to have the same affect on me. xXEvanatorXx
Same for my dad. He says it's from his military days when he had to sleep when he could get it.
He will go days without sleep sometimes since he also worked night shifts, so he gets home at like 6am, messes with the boat then heads out fishing until he has to go back to work. When he comes to my house hell hit the couch and get 5 mins into a movie before he's out.
Sometimes he'll call me and be like "I'm really liking this John wick movie. I started it last week I'm about halfway through." I don't think he's sat fully through a movie in my life. EtsuRah
Power ain't Free!
Easy, walking around turning off light switches complaining about waste of electricity. triffidsting
Except now with 6watt led bulbs compared to the 100 watters from back in the day, it costs 1.7 cents as opposed to $.29 to be left on for 24 hours at a 12cent electricity cost. 😁
You want to save on electric, gotta reduce that hvac motor from running at 500watts via better insulation/windows, etc. itchyouch
Vacations at Target....
I started enjoying looking at grocery ads for discounts and have 3 discount cards. ThatGuy798
Shopping well is an excellent habit/skill to learn. That stuff will save you so much damn money. I, too, love grocery shopping because of the genuine excitement I feel at not only saving money, but buying good, healthy food that I'm stoked to cook and eat. I learned a little late but it's done wonders for my health and confidence. truthlife