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That Captain America 'So, You Got Detention' PSA Is Truly The Meme We've All Been Waiting For

That Captain America 'So, You Got Detention' PSA Is Truly The Meme We've All Been Waiting For
(Leslys Network/YouTube, @SamSykesSwears/Twitter)

Remember the scene from Spider-Man: Homecoming when Peter Parker was lectured in detention about obeying rules via Captain America/Steve Roger's public service announcement video?

The Internet is definitely remembering and putting their own twist on his instructions.

"So, you got detention. You screwed up. You know what you did was wrong. The question is, how are you going to make things right?" asks the American hero. It didn't take long before Parker ditched the rest of detention in pursuit of what the burgeoning superhero thought was right for him.

After Avengers: Infinity War virtually broke box office records, Marvel fans revisited the studios' past films and were inspired to create some hilarious memes.

In particular, fans riffed off the setup from Captain America's "So you got detention" instructional video, and the ridiculous results are blowing up on Twitter. Marvel-mania is indomitable.

It happens to the best of us.

You knew this was coming, amirite?

Everyone has good intentions.

Guilty as charged.


Peter Parker (Tom Holland) embraces his fate.

But we all know that was fleeting. Yeah, we're still coming to terms with what the heck happened.

Upon reflection:

This just left us speechless.

H/T - Comicbook, YouTube, Twitter