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Support From A-List Directors Pours In After John Boyega Fears His Career Might Be Over For Speaking Out

Support From A-List Directors Pours In After John Boyega Fears His Career Might Be Over For Speaking Out

Actor John Boyega joined a Black Lives Matter protest in London and, in an impassioned speech, said he was unsure if being there might affect his career.

In response, many Hollywood directors have expressed their continued interest in working with him.

Boyega's speech came straight from the heart.

Near the end, he noted:

"I don't know if I'll have a career after this."

Countless A-List directors like Jordan Peele jumped in to assure Boyega they had his back.

All who had worked with him agreed that Boyega's talent is an incredible force to be reckoned with.

Those who hadn't worked with Boyega yet were more than eager to.

Many in the film industry encouraged Boyega to continue using his voice to spread the word about important issues.

It seems Boyega's career is far from over.

We could all learn from Boyega's willingness to speak up and do what's right even in professionally risky situations.

If you only speak out when you have nothing to lose, how often will others lose everything because you didn't speak out?