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TikToker Sparks Discussion About Women's Safety After Filming Man As He Chases Behind Her

TikToker Sparks Discussion About Women's Safety After Filming Man As He Chases Behind Her

We all should be aware by now that walking alone is dangerous for women, but the general assumption is that this fact only applies to the nighttime.

Natalie Rose, of @natalieroseuk on TikTok, posted a video to raise awareness about how frequent these encounters are, even during broad daylight.

She was walking home and saw a man sitting on a park bench, staring at her. As she passed him, he continued staring, so she asked if he was okay.

He responded:

"I want your p***y."

Rose hurried away, occasionally checking to see if the man was still on the park bench. When he stood from the bench and started walking in her direction, she decided to film over her shoulder, so she could more easily see how close he was.

She decided sharing the video on TikTok would be useful to others.

She captioned the video:

"Be vigilant ladies! I walked past him, he was sitting on the grass, and he began chasing me. Then said he wanted my p**sy."
"I used my phone to look behind and decided to film!"
"I've reported to the police but wanted to raise awareness on what women face every day! It’s not okay!"

You can watch the video here:


Be vigilant ladies! I walked past him, he was sat on the grass and he began chasing me. Then said he wanted my p**sy. I used my phone to look behind and decided to film! Iv reported to the police but wanted to raise awareness on what women face everyday! It’s not okay! #shewaswalkinghome #safetyforwomen

Though the camera is moving, it becomes obvious that the man starts lightly jogging to close the distance between him and Rose.

The majority of TikTokers were shocked and fearful of what they had seen in the video.








But there were a few TikTokers who were not quite so convinced.








To continue spreading awareness, Rose offered for any woman who lived in her general area to message her, so she could tell them where this had occurred, so they could be safe.

She also posted another video to show the man more than in the previous video.


Reply to @4lillymarie here’s the screenshot and the recording after I started running. #womenssafety

After receiving quite a few comments, asking what she had done after and how she was doing, Rose posted two more follow-up videos, explaining again what had happened and how she had spoken to the police.

You can watch the first of those two videos here:


Reply to @veganlovetheskinyourin thanks you and I agree 💗🙏🏽 #violenceagainstwomenact

You can watch the second follow-up video here:


Reply to @sonia.m.w I got away thankfully and he gave up following #womenssafety

Fortunately, Rose was okay, though shaken up from the experience. But many people are not so lucky in situations like this, and it's important to make more people aware of just how common these situations are.