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Trump Is Getting Dragged After Claiming He Revived The Phrase 'Merry Christmas' In Rambling Speech

Trump Is Getting Dragged After Claiming He Revived The Phrase 'Merry Christmas' In Rambling Speech
Scott Olson/Getty Images

President Donald Trump decided the best way to celebrate his impeachment was to hold a "Merry Christmas" MAGA rally in Battle Creek, Michigan on December 18.

Then four days later, Trump spoke to the conservative student group Turning Point USA in West Palm Beach, Florida near where Mar-a-Lago is located.

So what did a man more people would associate with Ebenezer Scrooge than Santa Claus given his history with charity have to say about Christmas?

Trump repeated the now annual lie that he resurrected the term Merry Christmas from the ashes where the administration of President Barack Obama allegedly left it.

During his speech at the Turning Point gathering, Trump stated:

"You remember they were trying to take Christmas out of Christmas? They didn't want to let you say 'Merry Christmas'."
"They didn't want to let you say 'Merry Christmas.' You'd go around, you'd see department stores they'd have everything red, snow, beautiful, ribbons, bows. Everything was there but they wouldn't say 'Merry Christmas'."
"They're all saying 'Merry Christmas' again. That's the least I could do."

The President has repeated the same lie annually to the point it has become it's own holiday tradition.

It gets no less ridiculous the more often it is told however.

Back in 2018 after signing another religious initiative to preserve the freedom of the Christian religion, Trump stated:

"One nation under God. So important. And we say it. A lot of people, you know, they don't say it. But you know what?"
"They're starting to say it more, just like we're starting to say 'Merry Christmas' when that day comes around."
"You notice a big difference between now and two or three years ago? It was going in the other direction rapidly. Now it's straight up."


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