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People Explain Which Professions Keep Them From Dating Someone

Reddit user stupidis_stupidoes asked: 'What profession would keep you from dating someone?'

Two firefighters fighting a car fire

We all have different definitions of what qualifies as a "good partner," if for no other reason than the fact that we're all looking for different things in a partner, and what qualifies as a deal breaker in the relationship might be perfectly acceptable to someone else.

Among the traits a person might look for in a partner is the profession they've chosen, some of which might prove to be reason to never try to date them at all.

Curious, Redditor stupidis_stupidoes asked:

"What profession would keep you from dating someone?"

No Bartenders

"As someone who’s bartended for ages, bartenders are very hard to date. Getting off work as late as 4:00 AM, the culture, it’s hard to find someone outside the industry who can put up with it, and equally hard to find someone within who you can be healthy with."

- sufjams

"I know a married couple that are both bartenders. They've mentioned how it would never work if one of them did something else. Their entire friend circle is in the industry. Vacations for me are just a week-long party in South Florida."

- unoriginal5

No Spotlight

"Any profession that makes them a celebrity. I thoroughly enjoy not being in any spotlight."

- AuntyEyeEvil

"I dated a woman who got into streaming while we were together, and while it wasn't the singular reason for our break up, it was a big factor."

"It went from a hobby to being so much more as she started getting a larger following."

"Last I checked, she had a few thousand followers, so it's not massive by any means, but it was nearly all she thought about and talked about. It was exhausting, and I ended up feeling like an accessory to the front she put up on them."

"Never, ever again."

- interessect

No Politicians

"No politicians, period."

- Psychological_Gas271

"Can confirm. There were so many reasons for my mom to walk away, but my stepdad becoming a local dirtbag politician was the icing on the cake of their divorce. Tarnished our name."

- Hilarious_hoagie

No Pranks

"A YouTube prankster."

- Rainbowponydaddy

"AKA: a d**khead that records themselves committing crimes."

- ToyStoryRex97

No Salesmen

"Any job requiring high-pressure sales. Those jobs attract a certain type of person I don’t like."

- papasnork1

"You mean you don’t like psychopathic bulls**tters?"

- apostropheapostrophe

No Inflexibility

"Any job that:"

"1. required them to be away for months at a time or extensive travel."

"2. that had really unstable income month-to-month."

"My girlfriend's job right now is perfect: she works four days a week, ten hours a day, always the same start/stop time, and every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is off. It makes planning stuff super easy."

- dethb0y

No Lawyers

"A lawyer. I was raised by two of them. I've worked with and known several in my extended social circle."

"Every single one I've met has never been able to turn it off and I'd prefer not to be examined and cross-examined on a date."

- machineprophet343

No Tarot

"Some spiritual bulls**t scam."

- LaughGreen7890

"So you’re saying you haven’t found your twin flame?"

- TheChesireCatCan

No Lengthy Travel

"No matter the profession, someone whose job would require to travel a lot, like far abroad and for longer periods, would definitely not be my preference and probably a show stopper."

"With longer periods I actually meant something like a couple of weeks and multiple times per year. Not a fixed position abroad but based on projects, so someone who would be abroad for more than 25% of the time or something. Not really realistic for me to join them since I have a job of my own."

- Saaihead

No 'John Wick' Types

"An assassin. Because first your wife dies of cancer, but she leaves a dog behind, and you love that dog, but then some wannabe gangster kills your dog and steals your car, and suddenly you have a four-movie series."

"It's not the right life for everyone."

- Coleblade

No Healthcare

"Nurse or doctor. They work very long hours and come home tired."

- ClubSundown

"My wife and I both work in healthcare. Different schedules that change month to month. It sucks sometimes."

- BZNUber

"Physician. I dated a surgeon for 3 years in my 20s. Terrible hours, so much drama, so much ego. Nurses throwing themselves at him every day. I later went to nursing school myself and have never, ever been tempted to date a doctor."

- pizzawithartichokes

No Clowns

"F**k clowns. I have a fear of clowns that, while embarrassing to admit, is still something that makes me feel a duty toward other people. Warning them against clowns."

"(Comedians are exempt. IF they're funny.)"

- StGir1

No Motivational Speakers

"Self-help or motivational guru probably or any other charlatan/snake oil type of profession because it means we will have many conflicts and incompatibilities over science."

- IAmDocDoc

"My mom got a ‘coaching’ certification a few years ago and now every conversation we have where something is slightly off, she goes into coaching mode and tells me all the mantras to say to resolve the issue. It’s wildly annoying, so I can’t imagine having a partner who does that."

- rdp93

No Police Officers

"I hate saying it but police officers. 90% are attracted to the job for power reasons and I tend to not like their personalities."

- HighestTierMaslow

"I once dated a guy who told everyone he was a cop, but he was actually a security guard. He was trash. Does that count?"

- HagridSoTall

Who Not to Date... As the Professional

"I’m a massage therapist, and one of my friends (also a massage therapist) started seeing a guy, and he said he wasn’t sure he was totally comfortable with her doing massage and would she consider finding another job?"

"And that was the end of that budding romance."

- peacelovecookies

"I'm a massage therapist myself and my biggest problem has been my past boyfriends expecting me to give them an hour-long massage every night no matter how tired I am. Plus, their family and my family assumed they could get free massages on demand 24/7."

"I'm glad your friend bailed on that dumb guy."

- DogMom814

While everyone has their own preferences and interests, certain jobs seem to dissuade many people from dating those in those fields.

The most important thing is to find someone who is capatible with you in every way, and you with them, and that, of course, includes shared values and schedules.