The woman known mainly by her first name—Omarosa—went from self-described reality TV actress to White House staffer, all alongside Donald Trump. She adds tell-all author to her resume on August 14, 2018, when her expose' on working in the Trump White House—titled Unhinged— comes out.
But Omarosa is not just another former White House official making claims that the Trump administration can dismiss as fake news.
Turns out, Omarosa has the recordings to back her stories up and no, they are not illegal. Washington DC—like New York where Michael Cohen recorded Trump—falls under a one-party consent law
The Daily Beast broke the story of the recordings on Wednesday.
While no tweet from President Trump addressing the recordings or Omarosa's book exists yet, people quickly found a 2013 Twitter post that then-reality TV performer Trump made about her, that he may want to take back after today's news:
As others observed:
In fact, people found more than one tweet. In another 2013 Twitter post, Trump marvels at the idea of anyone being afraid of Omarosa.
Omarosa Manigault-Newman first came to public attention in 2004 after appearing on the first season of NBC's reality television series, The Apprentice, starring Donald Trump. But that was only the beginning of their relationship.
The two teamed up again in 2008 and 2013 on the more popular The Celebrity Apprentice.
In 2015, Trump refers to her as a loyal friend in reference to a television appearance she made early in the 2016 presidential campaign.
During the Republican National Convention in July 2016, Omarosa announced her role as Director of African-American Outreach for Donald Trump's presidential campaign. After the election she joined Vice President Mike Pence's transition team and later joined the White House staff as the Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison.
Back in 2013, Trump said he would always like Omarosa because "she constantly defends me."
But on December 13, 2017, the White House announced the resignation of Omarosa, effective January 20, 2018. The President took to Twitter to wish her well.
As everyone expected, she shortly thereafter made her book deal announcement. Back in 2013, Trump asked the public to decide if Omarosa was "Nasty, tough or smart...or all?"
The Twittersphere enjoyed taking a poke at the President's assessment of Omarosa's honesty and loyalty. And the existence of the tapes.
As well as predicting the eventual Trump Twitter response.