Former White House photographer under President Barack Obama, Pete Souza, frequently trolls President Donald Trump with his photos from Obama's presidency, contrasting it with Trump's.
As Trump grapples with a whistleblower complaint describing multiple instances of Trump's unconstitutional promises made to world leaders. The White House is blocking the disclosure of the complaint's contents to Congress.
Souza recalled a happier time in the face of Trump's latest atrocity.
He highlighted one photograph of Obama on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin. For contrast, Trump has gone to lengths to conceal details of his correspondence with Putin, who oversaw the attack on the 2016 Presidential election's legitimacy.
Souza posted another photo of Obama with European leaders discussing Ukraine on a secure video conference. Trump is facing allegations that he leveraged Ukraine-U.S. relations to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to open an investigation into false claims that former Vice President and current 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden blocked a Ukrainian investigation into a company on which Biden's son was a board member.
The photos had people nostalgic for the Obama administration's higher level of transparency.
Another aspect of the photographs that Souza didn't point out was apparent to others.
Those were the days.
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