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Marvel Just Revealed Their First Ever Drag Queen Superhero—And We Are Living For It 🙌

Marvel Just Revealed Their First Ever Drag Queen Superhero—And We Are Living For It 🙌
Pixabay; Twitter: @BestOfComiics

Hope you like seafood, comic fans, cuz Marvel is about to serve you up some fish!

There's a new mutant in the Marvel universe's Iceman spin-off. She can teleport, and she holds a whole other dimension inside the handheld folding fan she carries.

Her name is Shade, and she's a drag queen super hero, henny!

The new character comes from openly queer writer Sina Grace. Some first looks recently showed up on Twitter, and fans have been going wild!

Grace himself also shared some early concept sketches of the character.

Iceman is the only Marvel series to feature a queer main character, Bobby Drake, Iceman's alter ego who is an openly gay man. So it's a fitting home for a character like Shade.

Grace was also the writer of a 2017 Iceman series that centered on Iceman wrestling with his identity. Despite wide acclaim from organizations like GLAAD, the series was canceled after 11 issues because of low sales.

But the something very uncommon happened: trade paperback compilations of the original 11 issues far outsold the original run. So Marvel asked Grace back to pick up the story, whereupon she added Shade to the mix.

In an interview with The Advocate, Grace explained that what inspired the fabulous drag hero was a desire to widen the representation of queer identities in comics.

"I really wanted this series to push readers to new and better stories about the whole queer experience and how it applies to being both a mutant and a superhero. There's a million different queer perspectives and we're only scratching the surface."

And so far, fans have responded with a resounding, "Yes queen!", flooding Grace's Twitter with elated reviews:

Even a certain very famous drag queen had to weigh in:

The latest issue is on newsstands now. But with the way drag culture keeps mainstreaming and taking over popular culture, perhaps we'll be seeing Shade on more than just paper in the near future. Category is: World Domination Realness!