On Sunday, January 13, Lady Gaga snagged major award for Best Song and Best Actress at the Golden Globes, but the joy of her win didn't last very long. As the ceremony was ending, Gaga received news that her beloved horse, Arabella, was dying, and she had to rush home to say goodbye.
On Twitter, Gaga wrote a touching tribute to her horse for all the world to see:
In the post, she wrote:
"I am so honored and blessed to have won both Best Song and Best Actress alongside Glenn Close this evening. My heart is exploding with pride. But it saddens me to say that just after the show I learned that my dear angel of a horse, Arabella, is dying. I am rushing to her now to say goodbye. Her name means "yield to prayer". She is and was a beautiful horse. Our souls and spirits were one. When she was in pain, so was I. I will never forget the moments we shared. Long hikes together, galloping through the canyons. Feeding her cookies. She will forever be a part of me. I am so very sad. But I wish for your pain to end, and the gates of heaven to open for you. I love you. Girl, where do you think you're goin?"
Gaga's fans were there to comfort her in this sad time:
Many wrote their own heartfelt messages about loss and the power of a true friendship.
Her fans are hoping Gaga and Arabella will be reunited in whatever life comes next...
There's nothing quite so painful as losing a friend.
Gaga kept countless photos of herself riding Arabella. She will be missed!
Hardcore Gaga fans will also miss Arabella, who was a fixture in the singer's life.
This is a day Gaga will surely remember.
RIP, Arabella.