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Guy Is Definitely Not Prepared When He Asks His 'Crush' To Send Him Some Steamy Shower Pics 😡

Guy Is Definitely Not Prepared When He Asks His 'Crush' To Send Him Some Steamy Shower Pics 😡

There was once a boy named Jon who liked a girl named Lynn. But Lynn must not have liked Jon because she gave him the wrong number. And Jon was taken on quite a ride before he realized he wasn't talking to Lynn.

Instead of texting Lynn, Jon actually texted Michael Butane.

It was then that Michael took Jon on an unforgettable ride aboard the troll train.

Check out their texts.



















Jon is not the only guy to fall prey to Butane's troll-ish antics.

He has also successfully trolled a guy, Nino, in search of Courtney.











Nino seems to have a better sense of humor than Jon.

And Imgur users on Pengillion's original post sure do.

"The shaved leg gives the launching pad to the story."

-KiltedinSeattle (Imgur)


-voiceofraeson (Imgur)

"TBH I would rather hang out with him than Lynn. He's got a great personality."

-WellThatsOriginal (Imgur)

"Holy fuck I don't even care who Lynn is. This dude rocks."

-NotFakeSanta (Imgur)

But others are with Jon on this one.

"Damn. I've been the guy that was given a wrong number by a date. That shit hurts."

-Youts (Imgur)

"This was uncalled for. That dude didn't really do anything to deserve being trolled like this."

-TheDudeOrHisDudeness (Imgur)

"This guy is a fucking tryhard loser. This is funny to people?"

-mardukkur (Imgur) (Imgur)

"That's mean. It feels weird reading this bc I live in Columbus and now I'm going to be looking for this troll's face."

-iBoopTheSnoot (Imgur)

Michael Butane himself came to his own defense when people started to call him out.

"Can people not judge the dude without knowing things? For all we know he's Lynn's friend who she deflected Jon to because he was creepy."

-SontaranGaming (Imgur)

"That's exactly what happened, she blocked this dude multiple times and he was very creepy multiple times. That's why I trolled him"

-MichaelButane (Imgur)

So, if you live in the Columbus area and have any plans on making unwanted advances toward someone, maybe check their friend list for Michael Butane first.

H/T: Bored Panda, Twitter, Imgur