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Fox News Has Twitter LOLing Over Report Russian Jet Flies At 'Twice The Speed Of Light'

Fox News Has Twitter LOLing Over Report Russian Jet Flies At 'Twice The Speed Of Light'
Fox News; @WapiroBen/Twitter

Imagine flying at twice the speed of light.

Apparently, a new Russian Military fighter jet is capable of just that, at least according to Fox News' Jillian Mele.

The Checkmate—the jet in question—was recently unveiled at the MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon in Zhukovsky, Russia.

The fighter plane was touted as a rival to the United States' F-35 stealth fighter according to Oleg Panteleyev of the Russian Aviaport analytical agency.

Fox News' Jillian Mele reported on the launch of the jet, which is expected to sell for as much as $30 Million.

But in her report, Mele claimed Checkmate can travel at "twice the speed of light", with Mele declaring on the broadcast:

"That boggles my mind."

Boggling, indeed.

Traveling at twice the speed of light is virtually scientifically impossible in the physics of the known universe, something Albert Einstein proved with his theory of relativity.

Fact checker Ron Filipkowski expressed his doubts regarding Mele's report on Twitter.

Based on an earlier Fox News report, it seems Mele confused her words, as Checkmate can travel at twice the speed of sound, not light.

But the science defying speed of Checkmate didn't seem to be what caught the attention of Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy.

He was more in awe of the artificial intelligence (AI) included in the design, allowing the jet to fly, "unpiloted" as reported by Mele.

"Unpiloted? So you would control it by a computer or a person running it just like a video game?"

Mele's slip-of-the tongue did not escape Filipkowski's Twitter followers.

There were those who were less than surprised Fox News would so confidently report something a bit less than accurately.

Though who knows, perhaps Mele has just provided a new challenge for Russia's next jet model.

After all, what do the laws of physics have to do with aeronautics, engineering or aerodynamics?