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Family Offers Heartbreaking Warning After 13-Year-Old Daughter Dies From 'Chroming' Trend

Paul and Andrea Haynes are speaking out about the dangers of inhaling chemicals from a deodorant can, or 'chroming,' after their daughter Esra died from partaking in the increasingly-popular trend.

Family Offers Heartbreaking Warning After 13-Year-Old Daughter Dies From 'Chroming' Trend

The parents of 13 year old Esra Haynes are warning other teens of the dangers of the "chroming" trend after Esra passed after sustaining fatal brain damage at a sleepover in late March 2023.

Haynes, who was in year 8 at school, went into cardiac arrest and sustained brain damage after taking part in the "chroming" trend. The activity, growing in popularity with teens, involves deliberately inhaling the dangerous chemicals in a pressurized can of deodorant in search of a high.

Esra's family is heartbroken, but talked with Current Affair in detail about what they want other teens to see and learn from Esra's experience. Specifically, the interview shows many images of Esra on the life-support she was on for just over a week after the incident before her parents and medical team removed life support as her sustained brain damage did not show improvement.

'A quick high that proved fatal': The chroming warning all families need to hear | A Current Affair

People reached out with their condolences to Esra's parents.

Many others noted that it looks like "chroming" is just a new name for an old, dangerous habit: "huffing" paint cans.

Specifically, people wanted to know, where are the kids learning about it this time?


In addition to taking the Haynes' message to heart, others picked up on the fact that parents need to bring this subject up to their kids.

Despire their loss, the Hayneses are committed to talking about Esra and her name, putting her senseless death to some good. "“We need to talk about it,” Paul said. “Her name meant ‘helper’ so that’s what we’re here to do.”