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Woman Stunned After She's Turned Down For Job Because She Didn't Wear Makeup For Interview

TikToker Melissa Weaver emailed a recruiter who interviewed her to ask why she wasn't moving on in the interview process, and was shocked to be told it was because she didn't put enough 'effort' into her appearance.

TikTok screenshots of @_melissaweaver

Is not wearing makeup an indicator that someone won't put effort into a potential job?

It seems like a silly question, but TikToker Melissa Weaver (@_melissaweaver) really wants to know...because she was turned down for a position—for which she was highly qualified—for this exact reason.

In her TikTok that has been viewed nearly 800k times already, Weaver shared that she absolutely nailed an interview only to be told she wouldn't be moving on to the next round.

“The interview went so well, every question she had, I had a great answer for."
"I used to work in recruitment, I know how to interview."
"My background and experience aligned perfectly with what the role entails.”

Unfortunately, she got an email from the company saying they were passing on her. Given what the TikToker considered to be a stellar interview, she responded to the email seeking feedback.

And that's when she found out her rejection only had to do with her appearance.

The creator explained:

“[The recruiter] said that, while my background was exactly what they were looking for, my experience lined up with what they need for the position, and my own personal goals and values aligned with the company’s, she was concerned that, for my interview, I hadn’t put in enough effort in my appearance, given the level of role I was interviewing for."

Weaver went on to say that she had actually dressed the part complete with a blowout, a nice blazer and earrings. She did not, however, wear makeup—with the exception of some lip balm—because she doesn't "really wear a lot of makeup."

The TikToker finished the video by asking viewers:

"Does not wearing makeup—for women—to interviews or to jobs make it seem like they aren't putting as much effort or care into their job?"

You can watch below.


Does wearing make up to work make a difference? #work #corporate #career #interview #job #jobsearch #makeup #jobinterview #opinion #advice #women

While people in the comments were happy to answer the TikToker's question, they were not happy with Weaver's experience.

Many noted that aside from the ethical aspect of the "feedback," the response was not legally okay, either.





Several added that she likely dodged a bullet by not securing a job with that company.



And, of course, others mentioned double standards in the workplace.




Whew, the job market is already brutal, but now we have to worry about the way our makeup looks?!

We're sorry this TikToker had to experience this, but we hope she finds an employer who values her for her talent and work ethic over her use of cosmetics.