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Donald Trump

Twitter Is Calling Out Trump's Dangerous Rhetoric After He Told Journalists To Kneel And Beg For Forgiveness

Twitter Is Calling Out Trump's Dangerous Rhetoric After He Told Journalists To Kneel And Beg For Forgiveness
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images, @maggieNYT/Twitter

President Donald Trump's hatred of the media reared its ugly head again on Tuesday when Trump rehashed his "enemy of the people" trope, and Twitter gallantly fought back.

Trump's tantrum began with a savage attack on Nobel Prize-winning columnist Paul Krugman.

"Paul Krugman, of the Fake News New York Times, has lost all credibility, as has the Times itself, with his false and highly inaccurate writings on me," Trump wrote on Twitter. "He is obsessed with hatred, just as others are obsessed with how stupid he is. He said Market would crash, Only Record Highs!"

Trump then falsely claimed that the New York Times had previously apologized to him, which never happened, demanded a *second* one, and then ordered the paper's journalists to "get on on their knees" and grovel.

"I wonder if the New York Times will apologize to me a second time, as they did after the 2016 Election," Trump added. "But this one will have to be a far bigger & better apology. On this one they will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness-they are truly the Enemy of the People!"

The New York Times was not happy.

The publication retweeted its rebuttal to previous attacks by the president, emphasizing Trump's dangerous authoritarian tone.

White House reporter Maggie Haberman, whose Times coverage of Trump often sparks his ire, mocked Trump.

Nailed it.

Prominent voices on social media made it very clear to Trump that his vitriol - and lies - are unacceptable.

This is not normal behavior.

Trump thinks that negative coverage is "fake." He is sorely mistaken.

This was the 28th time since last July that Trump has referred to the media as the "enemy of the people" on Twitter, and his words have consequences.

In December, Reporters Without Borders concluded in its annual report that the United States has joined the top five most dangerous countries in the world for journalists.

"The United States joined the ranks of the world's deadliest countries for the media this year, with a total of six journalists killed," the report said.

"Four journalists were among the five employees of the Capital Gazette, a local newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, who were killed on 28 June when a man walked in and opened fire with a shotgun. He had been harassing the newspaper for six years on Twitter about a 2011 article that named him."
"It was the deadliest attack on a media outlet in the US in modern history. Two other journalists, a local TV anchor and cameraman, were killed by a falling tree while covering Subtropical Storm Alberto's extreme weather in North Carolina in May."