These days, the frequency of viral videos popping up on your newsfeed is happening at such an alarming rate that today's biggest sensation becomes yesterday's old news.
Some are sad, some are shocking and some are just downright hysterical that you're obligated to share these entertaining clips with your friends.
We're suckers for perpetuating a hype and we don't care.
But do you ever think back on what your very first viral video discovery was? Could you even remember?
That is a challenge posed by one Twitter user and what resulted was a nostalgic trip into the past and a renewed appreciation for HD video quality.
Ella Mielniczenko asked:
"What is the first viral video or post or photo that you remember?"
And a flood of responses came in with some familiar posts, making us feel old.
It was funny then, but dancing digital baby is kinda creepy now with the antiquated CG rendering.
Gary Brolsma lip-synching and dancing to "Dragostea din tei" by a Romanian pop group predates Carpool Karaoke by another lifetime.
2004's Numa Numa video received two million hits on in its first three months, a statistic that was considered to be "staggering" in 2015.
Remember this shady gem?
Some users dug deep and unearthed a memory from Tumblr.
This guy was introduced to his first popular video on a CD-ROM, the read-only optical compact disc that can store data.
Even though CD-ROM's are a relic, some videos like the "Star Wars Kid" still holds up as one of the most LMAO moments.
Fans of 2002's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers are sure to remember this famous line uttered by Legolas (played by Orlando Bloom) that was repurposed for a dance track.
Then there was that internet shock site that really stretched people's imagination.
"The Milk and Cereal" duo lip dub will remind you of the existence of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios.
Ahh, a classic.
Update, Harry's finger is still intact after the tyke attack 12 years ago.
Check out this 2017 YouTube video celebrating the 10th anniversary of "Charlie Bit My Finger."
Charlie Bit My Finger 10 Year
Surprisingly, most of these videos and memes still hold up! And these internet celebs are forever immortalized thanks to our contributions by clicking, "share."
What's your first memory of a viral video?