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GOP Group Expertly Trolls Trump With Huge Billboards To Remind Republicans Of 2020 Election's Real Result

GOP Group Expertly Trolls Trump With Huge Billboards To Remind Republicans Of 2020 Election's Real Result
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump continues to promote the "Big Lie" that the 2020 election was stolen from him, so one Republican organization has decided to remind him that he actually lost.

The group, Republicans for Voting Rights (RVR) decided to mount huge billboards in a few locations, including Times Square, to strike back against Republican-led audits that have been conducted in response to the former President's baseless claims of election fraud.

An image of the Times Square billboard was shared by RVR's parent organization, the Republican Accountability Project, which has focused on condemning Republicans who have backed those who participated in the storming of the United States Capitol.

In a tweet, the group criticized the "reckless Republican calls for sham audits."

RVR says it plans to mount dozens of billboards in eight states where Trump supporters have called for audits, including Georgia, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan.

Many have applauded their effort.

RVR refers to election audits as "fraudits" on its official website.

The group also makes clear that it "rejects the false choice between voting access and election integrity":

"Voting is a sacred American right."
"But after the 2020 election, some Republicans began pushing for more restrictive voting laws designed to support unfounded accusations that the election was stolen and the results were illegitimate."
"We believe that Republicans in federal, state, and local government should protect the right to vote, protect our election systems from partisan or foreign interference, and help build trust in our democracy."

Several states have conducted election audits.

However, none of them have found evidence that the 2020 election was stolen and have instead affirmed that it was both free and fair.

Recently, a widely publicized Arizona audit concluded and dealt a blow to Trump's claim that he had won the state.

The audit of 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona's most populous county, not only affirmed President Joe Biden's win but also expanded it.

The audit yielded 99 additional votes for Biden and 261 fewer votes for Trump.