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Infectious Disease Expert Shares 1978 'Star Wars' PSA Urging Vaccinations—And Mark Hamill Is All About It

Infectious Disease Expert Shares 1978 'Star Wars' PSA Urging Vaccinations—And Mark Hamill Is All About It
ImmunizeOrg/YouTube; Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Republicans have been making a stink about the COVID-19 vaccine since they were available. Now, as unvaccinated individuals are 11 times more likely to die from COVID than vaccinated individuals, we are seeing more and more people urging the public to get the shot.

It's no surprise that pop culture icons and celebrities are using their platforms to aid in the push for vaccines.

And it wouldn't be the first time.

Professor and infectious disease epidemiologist Dr. Tara C. Smith tweeted a Star Wars poster from the '70s that encouraged parents to vaccinate their children.

She captioned the image:

"Man, wait until antivax politicians find out about how R2-D2 and C-3PO tried to encourage vaccination... in 1978."
"Almost like this isn't a new thing and programs that cater to kids want to keep them safe and healthy."

The poster read:

"Parents of Earth, are you children fully immunized?"
"Make sure - call your doctor or health department today."
"And may the force be with you."

Star Wars legend Mark Hamill decided to retweet Smith's poster.

"A long time ago, before science was politicized."

There was even a commercial to go along with it. The video of R2-D2 and C-3PO encouraged parents to vaccinate their kids for whooping cough, the measles and polio.

Parents of Earth (Star Wars)

Fans were loving the throw back to old school Star Wars.

These tweets came after Republican Senator of Texas Ted Cruz called a tweet from the fictional character Big Bird from Sesame Street "government propaganda" for five-year-olds.

We would trust Mark Hamill. He worked with the Muppets back in the day.

Muppet Songs: Mark Hamill - When You Wish Upon a Star

The Pfizer vaccine has recently been approved by the CDC for kids ages five and older.