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Snoop Dogg Just Dressed Up As Buzz Lightyear—And Fans Had A Field Day Photoshopping It

Snoop Dogg Just Dressed Up As Buzz Lightyear—And Fans Had A Field Day Photoshopping It
Leon Bennett/Getty Images

Snoop Dogg soared to infinity and beyond on the occasion of his granddaughter Cordoba's second birthday party.

The rapper, actor, TV host and cookbook author dressed up as Buzz Lightyear from Pixar's beloved Toy Story franchise.

On Wednesday, the Young, Wild & Free rapper—who has four children and six grandchildren—posted a picture of himself in the inflatable costume on Instagram and captioned it with "Grandpa buzz light."

As a result of an ensuing Photoshop battle, "Grandpa Buzz Light" instantly became a viral meme because why wouldn't it?

Below are some examples from the Photoshop battle that were out of this world.

If this action figure raps, the sound byte would be the ultimate space jam.

Reach for the sky.

Adjusting to Earth's atmosphere.

"My ship has crash-landed here by mistake," said the wayward spaceman.

But he is here to stay.

It seems Woody might be collecting dust somewhere in the toy bin.

We love this duo for a live-action remake.

The real Woody would give his right arm to play Grandpa Buzz Light's friendly rival.

High on friendship.

Always in good company.

Other photos from Cordoba's birthday were posted on Instagram including this meta one.

It looks like Cordoba's party was an intergalactic smash.