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Rachel Maddow LOLs After GOP Senators Hypocritically Demand Health Sec. Must Be A Doctor

Rachel Maddow LOLs After GOP Senators Hypocritically Demand Health Sec. Must Be A Doctor

Another day, another example of astonishing hypocrisy on the part of the GOP! And this one is so ridiculous, it had MSNBC's Rachel Maddow openly LOL'ing on live TV.

Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Richard Burr have taken a stand against Democratic President Joe Biden's nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, because he is not a doctor.

This is despite both having voted for former Republican President Donald Trump's health secretary, who was also not a doctor.

And Maddow couldn't help but laugh at the absurd double standard.

Maddow's moment of giggles came during The Rachel Maddow Show on Tuesday night.

Trump's last nominee for Health Secretary in 2017, Alex Azar, replaced Trump's first Secretary, Tom Price, who is a doctor. Azar is a former pharmaceutical executive with no medical training whatsoever.

But, as Maddow pointed out, Senator Cruz had no qualms about his nomination.

"Sen Cruz voted for him even though you'll be shocked to learn, Alex Azar is also not a doctor. See, it's unacceptable to nominate a non-doctor to be health secretary unless that nominee is from a Republican president in which case ..... I have to go.'"

As for Senator Burr, his objections to Becerra's nomination are even more absurd than Cruz's.

Becerra, the current Attorney General of California, served in the House of Representatives for 23 years. During his tenure, he served on the House Subcommittee on Health, which deals with federal funding of health-related programs, from research to social security services like Medicare.

In short, more qualified to lead the federal government's top health-related organization than a former pharmaceutical company executive, right?

Well, as Maddow explained through her laughter, not according to Senator Burr.

"Sen. Burr said that's not appropriate experience for someone joining the Cabinet to work on health issues. That's his stance against Xavier Becerra being health secretary. Yes, he worked on health stuff a ton in Congress but that's not the experience you need for being health secretary in the Cabinet."

Given the absurdity, Maddow couldn't help but dissolve into giggles.

People on Twitter were right there with her.

Maddow also pointed out Senator Burr supported Trump's nominee for Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, whose only intelligence experience consisted of serving on committees in Congress.

Once again, Republicans always seem to have different rules for Democrats.