It can be hard when funds are low and your stomach is growling. Rather than going to bed early instead of starving, give one of these quick, cheap meals a try. Though they may be low on cost it seems like they're definitely not low on taste.
Reddit user, u/DealTight, wanted to hear what to fill up on when cash is low when they asked:
What is your "I'm totally broke" go to meal?
A Couple Quickies
eat homer simpson GIFGiphyUsed to eat this stuff a lot when i was a swinging bachelor living on my own barely able to pay rent
Bread sandwich
Sugar sandwiches
Mustard sandwiches - if you close your eyes you can almost taste the meat
Ramen noodles
3p cans of beans
It's The Onions That Add The Spice
Tortillas, refried beans, cheese, and hot sauce. Add an onion.
A Quick, Boiling Snack
Drop an egg into ramen noodles while they are boiling.
this guy knows his sh-t. Pro tip: keep frozen diced onions in the freezer and put a few spoons in there too.
Ramen is great by itself, but it's also really great with just about any type of cheap food added in. Got a little bit of leftover ground beef, or onion, or egg, or bell pepper, or corn, hot dogs? Throw all that sh-t in there. Ramen makes it really easy to stretch leftovers a long way.
Both Of These Sound Great
Kraft blue box mac and cheese made with water instead of milk.
Huh, I never thought of using water.
Once, when I was in a deep depression and not really taking care if myself, I made box mac because that was a better option than getting dressed enough to meet the delivery guy, and halfway through realized my milk has gone bad, so I used ice cream as a replacement. Turned out about the same - thank goodness I had vanilla.
A Bowl Of Simple Joy
This is the real answer. Just plain rice with salt and pepper, because butter is too expensive. $0.80 of rice, salt, and pepper will get you full af.
Always Have A Backup
happy homer simpson GIFGiphyPasta. Olive oil. Garlic.
If I don't have that then it's a grilled cheese. Hopefully I have that at least
The brokest meal I ever ate was pasta that I stole off my landlord with salt along with a bottle of his whisky.
I replaced it the next day though on payday 😂
Edible? Yeah, Why Not.
The gas station near my apartment would sell dented cans missing the labels for like 5 a $1.
Half sure I ate dog food at least once.
Simple. Efficient. Fibrous.
Beans and rice.
I'm [Brazilian] and we [practically] have beans and rice for lunch every. single. day believe it or not
Cheaper Than You Think
can't go wrong with two mashed fresh baked potatoes with spices etc. milk. butter.
Feeds the soul even in the brokest of times.
Buttered noodles
This is actually one of my favorite meals! Topped with parmesan cheese. Total comfort food!
Butter and parmesan cheese?
You are not broke my mans.
Just Because You're Broke Doesn't Mean You Can't Be Creative
eat season 3 GIFGiphySo you get the Lipton chicken noodle soup and make that. In a separate bowl mix together one egg, one cup flour and one cup water. Adjust the water and flour until it makes a thin doughy consistency. While the soup is boiling drop blobs of that sh-t in, but make sure you stir gently so they don't stick to the bottom. You end up with chicken dumpling soup for super cheap.
This is super filling and thickens for the next day (you will have to add water and stir to reheat). I've been having this since I was a kid and I LOVE this sh-t to the point I'll make it when I'm not even broke.
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