Twitter sat down for story time this past Wednesday, November 6, when user @jarievee asked a very important question:
"how did y'all's parents find out you lost your virginity?"
Of course, it goes without saying that Chrissy Teigen had one of the best answers of the bunch.
In her answer, Teigen referenced her first child, Luna.
She did return shortly thereafter, however, to cast some mystery onto the issue.
Teigen has written in the past about her children being made in the same petri dish.
The question prompted many other delightfully awkward answers from every corner of the internet.
Some parents expected their children to lose their virginities while others...well...
Some things are better left unspoken.
What good child wouldn't keep a secret from their parents long after things became obvious.
The most heartwarming scenarios came from very supportive parents, of course.
There's nothing like that magical moment when your parents find out you've lost your virginity, as Chrissy Teigen would surely tell you.
The book Read Me: A Parental Primer for "The Talk" is available here.