I love McDonalds. I try not to indulge in eating there as often as I used to. I still love it.
But their menu has grown significantly over the years, and I, like many, have thoughts.
There are so many ideas they could implement to shake things up.
Now I have discovered, we all have ideas.
Hopefully Ronald is listening.
RedditorAstroAwesome12345wanted to discuss what is missing from one of the world's greatest menus.
They asked:
"You are the CEO of McDonalds. What outrageous food item do you place on the menu?"
Bring back the ten cent hamburger Tuesday. That was one of my favorite specials ever.
Hey Dog
"The McDog. A McDonald's hotdog. Only available for 1 hour, on February 29th." ~ TGOTR
"Burger King has a hot dog... They once seriously f**ked up my order and gave me one instead of whatever the hell I actually ordered. I live in Chicago... if I wanted a freaking hot dog, I would have gone across the street to Portillos. The freaking thing was even drowning in ketchup. What the hell." ~ absentmindedjwc
Bag It
"Not completely outrageous, but a big bag full of fresh fries for $10. Include a bowl separated into 4 sections for sauces." ~ baconpoutine89
"In the early 90s (maybe late 80s) when McDonalds still did the 'super size' sizes, you could order a cup of fries and it’d be a supersize cup full of fries. It was great." ~ AshlarKorith
Spice it Up
"Mcdouble Quesadilla." ~ BuckeyeBikeNHike
"I used to literally make these when I worked there. A couple of breakfast burrito tortillas, some shredded cheese from the salad mix, and a few pickle slices to taste; throw on the 10:1 side of the grill for about 30 seconds with the clam down." ~ Karunamon_LoL
"When I worked the overnight shift there a very long time ago, we actually made these all the time. They were honestly good af. If they offered it with the quarter pounder meat, I'd order one." ~ mtrkar
Dog Alcohol GIFGiphy"Dry Martini." ~ Massive_bagholder
"McTini." ~ WoolaTheCalot
"Taco Bell cantina is a thing. McDonalds dive Bar sounds legit." ~ Worthyness
A McDonald's bar. What's the happy hour? I'll think about it.
Big Red
Happy Ha Ha GIF by Arrow VideoGiphy"A tomato. That's it. Just a whole tomato." ~ WildForestBlood
"The Mc pizza." ~ Whys-tdk122
"Have you heard the investigative journalism program (or ijp) called Whatever Happened to Pizza At McDonalds where Brian Thompson asks the question 'Whatever happened to the pizza at McDonald’s?'” ~ Z_Murray33
"Yes it is a very good ijp indeed. It seems to still have a limited popularity despite Mr. Thompson's attempts to educate the public. Sadly, if you look in the comments above you will it incorrectly referred to as 'Mcpizza' In addition, another individual is claiming that the novelty McDonald's in Orlando, Fl serves pizza, when we of course know that it is not original recipe and should be considered noncanon." ~ LobotsBalls
"Dude what were those things called from like 10 years ago? The snack things that were like… crispy chicken in a wrap with honey mustard, and different variations of that kind of thing. I would absolutely bring THAT back. Were they called snack wraps?" ~ iakonu_hale
"This is the only answer I wanted! I scream every day for snack wraps, grilled or fried. I lived by those things." ~ SpecificAmy
Come on Ron...
"I think about THE BREAKFAST BAGEL a lot. I don't buy their bull about a covid-impacted reduced menu. Sure for the first few months, I got it, but this? This is bullcrap. THE BREAKFAST BAGEL is the only BREAKFAST item I like. It might actually be my favorite thing from McDonalds full stop. It's not right that I've not tasted the sweet caress of that greasy little witch for almost 2 years. Pull your freaking crap together, Ronald." ~ RockMeDoctorZaius
Be Big
big mac vintage GIF by Soul TrainGiphy"Big Mac Fries. Fries loaded with everything you put on a Big Mac." ~ phattoes
Now I could get onboard with those fries and the bagel. Yum.
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