After Greg Locke, a right-wing preacher and vocal Trump supporter, took to Twitter in an attempt to discredit Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels), after her appearance on 60 Minutes, CNN's Jake Tapper responded with a Bible passage.
"The funny thing is @realDonaldTrump is still the President and she's still a hooker. #StormyDanielsDay" Locke, the founder of the Global Vision Bible Church in Tennessee, tweeted.
Locke's reaction to Clifford is not uncommon; many men and women, citing their support for the president, have claimed Clifford's story, an account of the threats and intimidation she was subjected to from the moment Donald Trump initiated an affair with her in 2006, is not credible precisely because of her work in adult films.
Locke's tweet quickly garnered the attention of Jake Tapper, who responded with a series of tweets quoting a Bible passage.
Locke tried to defend himself in response.
"Great passage for sure," he wrote. "He [Jesus] changed her life by love and grace. She didn't continue living in it and then get on national television to garner more attention for her nonsense. Context is key. The fact is, you hate my support of Trump w/out a Bible."
Tapper replied: "I have complete indifference to your feelings about any politician. But you might want to reconsider a refresher course. Hint: the passage is not 'hey, go throw stones!'"
Locke has made headlines in the past for angry tirades leveled against the LGBT community; he has advocated for the right for "Christian" businesses to turn away LGBT customers. He once reacted with anger after someone donated to Planned Parenthood in his name, prompting his critics to donate more than $3,000 to the organization.
Locke's disregard for Daniels, note some observers, is not dissimilar to the way he regards other women. According to Locke’s now-ex-wife Melissa, who sat down with Seth Dunn, a Christian writer at Pulpit & Pen, Locke has a history of domestic violence and often mocked her appearance. She had the text messages to prove it:
When news of the divorce became public, Locke told The Christian Post that his wife was mentally ill.