Conservative pundit Ann Coulter is the author of 13 books with the last two dedicated to a man she greatly admired: President Donald Trump. But since her last book—Resistance Is Futile! How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind—left the presses in 2018, the relationship soured.
When the President signed a CRA to reopen the government, Coulter called him a wimp. Now that the President has agreed to sign a funding bill and to try declaring a national emergency to get his border wall money, Coulter is officially done.
Twitter user @PavlovianPablo—on a video of Coulter's discussion with Lars Larson about the President's plan—commented:
"That's it, Trump got played and turned into a one-term President. The Trump experiment is over."
Coulter responded with:
"Could be shorter than 1 term. Here's hoping!"
The woman who in 2016 authored a book titled In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! now regularly hurls insults on Twitter at the President. Most involve Trump's campaign promise of a 20-30 foot high border wall spanning all of the southern border that Mexico would pay for.
As each element of Trump's promised border wall was walked back to the eventual border slatted fence to replace existing fencing paid for by US taxpayers, Coulter posted an online attack. In some cases, Trump reversed his original plans—like when he promised to sign a GOP drafted Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA) then after online abuse from Coulter and other conservatives, Trump opted to create the longest government shutdown in US history.
Coulter began her latest attack Thursday night with a series of tweets in addition to giving interviews. People are enjoying the dramatic turn of events.
Coulter called out not only President Trump...
...but also went on the offensive against the GOP...
...the Trump administration...
...and anyone who supports Trump.
Some people called out Coulter's reversal.
Or Coulter herself.
But many just found it all amusing.
Even satire site The Onion took a shot.
As for the President, Trump now disavows knowing Coulter, like he did with Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos.
But as usual, there is video.
Any other reactions from the President or any of Coulter's other targets remain to be seen.