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'Melania Loves Trudeau' Is Trending Thanks To Photo Of The First Lady Appearing To Lust After The Canadian Prime Minister

'Melania Loves Trudeau' Is Trending Thanks To Photo Of The First Lady Appearing To Lust After The Canadian Prime Minister
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images, Chesnot/Getty Images, @SidJogi/Twitter

Move over distracted boyfriend meme–the distracted First Lady meme has officially arrived.

During a photo op at the G7 summit in France on Sunday, First Lady Melania Trump was caught by cameras in the middle of an air kiss to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The resulting image, featuring what appears to be the First Lady's lustful look at Trudeau, only gets better as President Trump stands nearby with a seemingly defeated look on his face.

I mean, come on.


Naturally, the hashtag #MelaniaLovesTrudeau started trending as Twitter skewered the President's relationship with his much younger, much more fit wife.

It isn't the first time the pair have met, of course.

But, let's be honest, a lot of people look at Trudeau that way.

Including Melania's own step-daughter.

One can only guess how Trump will respond to the supposed threat.

But in the meantime, let the memes begin!

And never fear:

Trudeau is happily in love.


Poor Melania.

Better luck next time!


Prime Minister Trudeau's book, Common Ground, is available here.


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