Hollywood icon Mark Hamill came up with a new nickname for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and it has fans applauding.
Amid Trump's repeated refusals to correctly pronounce Democratic candidate Kamala Harris' name correctly, Hamill proposed an alternate pronunciation of Trump's.
In a post on X, Luke Skywalker himself suggested we stop calling Trump Don and call him "Done" instead.
In his post, Hamill raked Trump over the coals for mispronouncing Harris' name on purpose—he and his followers (and many others) refer to her as Ka-MAH-la, with the emphasis on the second syllable, rather than KAH-ma-la, with the emphasis on the first syllable, like "Pamela."
Or as has become a popular suggestion, "comma-la," which people have taken to abbreviating as ",-la," which Hamill referenced in his post. He wrote:
"' , La' Is that so difficult?"
"Deliberately mispronouncing her name is both childish & his way of conveying disrespect & contempt."
He went on to propose his new nickname for Trump.
"When they go low, we should respond in kind. From now on, don't call him 'Don.'"
"Call him 'Done.'"
Trump, of course, claims that his reasons for mispronouncing Harris' first name come down to simple confusion.
In July, at a Turning Point Action event, he said:
“Some people think I mispronounce it on purpose, but actually, I’ve heard it said about seven different ways. There are a lot of ways.”
He then upped the ante, claiming:
“I couldn’t care less if I mispronounce it or not. I couldn’t care less.”
Given all this nonsense, Hamill's fans and liberals on X loved his new dismissive nickname for Trump.
Hamill and his fans may be convinced Trump is "done," but the polls indicate that the race is still tight, despite Harris pulling ahead in recent days. She currently leads by three points, well within the margin of error for most polls.
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