Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake continue to show us what being a good couple is all about.
Working towards her 2019 fitness resolutions, Biel posted some workout photos of herself on Instagram.
Timberlake had absolutely no qualms saying how he felt about them.
The photo has over 300,000 likes, and more than a few comments wondering what Biel could possibly be working to improve on, fitness-wise.It seems like she has things pretty well under control.Posting a photo of herself leaning up against a Gaiam yoga ball, Biel wrote on Instagram:
"This year, I'm leaning on my friends, fam, and (literally) this yoga ball to keep my fitness resolutions on track."
Her husband, Timberlake, seems to agree—he left a comment, saying:
"Happy New Year to Me 🔥."
The couple have no problem expressing their love and affection for each other on social media, often posting adorable snapshots of what life is like inside the Biel/Timberlake family home!
Twitter continues to adore the couple's approach to love.
But it's not all pictures on social media.
According to People, in his bookHindsight: & All the Things I Can't See in Front of Me, Timberlake wrote of his wife:
"She's become a huge influence on my life, and I have such an admiration for her, especially seeing her as a mother now ... But I had admiration for her before. She's a very good writer. She's a poet. She's a tremendous actor. She's funny. Very funny. And she's one of the most patient people I've ever met… She changed me. She changed my life."
Congrats on your continued happiness, Justin and Jessica, it looks like your 2019 is shaping up to be pretty great already!