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Drew Barrymore Dressed As 'M3GAN' On Her Show And It Went Off The Rails Hilariously Fast

The talk show host attempted to interview 'M3GAN' star Allison Williams in costume—but it was a hilarious fail.

Drew Barrymore as M3GAN; Allison Williams

M3GAN, the psychotic doll from the film of the same name, has taken over multiplexes and the pop culture zeitgeist nationwide.

And now, she's also taken over Drew Barrymore.

The talk show host dressed up as the titular doll to interviewM3GAN star and producer Allison Williams for The Drew Barrymore Show, and hoo boy—you thought M3GAN was scary?

She's got nothing on Drew-as-M3GAN.

Even Allison Williams pretty much couldn't handle the look, and the things went haywire in the best way possible very quickly.

M3GAN may be a homicidal psychopath but she's also a doll. Something about her being a full-grown human woman hits very different.

But it certainly created an iconic moment for The Drew Barrymore Show, a program that tends to be actively unhinged even on its most staid days.

The segment was vintage Barrymore.

Dressed in M3GAN's iconic dress and pussy bow with profoundly creepy contacts in her eyes to give her M3GAN's vacantly murderous stare, Barrymore did all she could to manage the bit—until the bit decided to manage her.

Barrymore quickly started having trouble with her contacts, telling Williams:

“I do feel like my eyeballs are falling apart."
"But then again, you could just take me to your workshop and fix me. Just after I kill the neighbor's dog.”

As if trying to put their own punchline on the joke, the contacts then promptly fell out of her eyes, which somehow gave the whole thing a patina of horror even M3GAN herself couldn't provide.

But if you can believe it, that was only the beginning of what may well go down in history as Barrymore's most unhinged episode.

Because later in the interview, she actually imitated M3GAN—both that deeply weird running-on-all-fours thing and her terrifyingly "uncanny valley" dance moves.

Listen, if you've missed the film about a Williams-created robot guardian that malfunctions and starts killing everyone, you kind of no longer need to bother.

Barrymore's rendition is far more terrifying, as even Williams seemed willing to attest.

And on social media, people were absolutely loving this deliciously bonkers train wreck.

If Barrymore hasn't put you off, M3GAN is still in theaters, and it's been announced that a sequel, M3GAN 2.0, will be dropping in 2025. And if Williams or any other producers are reading this--give Barrymore a cameo in the sequel, she's more than earned it!