It was a typical Monday this week as President Donald Trump unleashed a rant against the "Fake News Media" and the "Democrat Party." According to Trump, the two are working in tandem to make him look bad.
It wasn't this all-too-common rant that stood out in the tweet, but a term Trump used to describe the GOP.
Trump accused the media and Democrats of making life difficult for the "United Republican Party."
But when it comes to the phrase "United Republican Party," Republicans aren't exactly united—especially State Senator John McCollister, a Republican from Nebraska.
McCollister called on Republicans against Trump to tell their stories, and people didn't disappoint.
Many of the replies featured veterans disgusted with Trump's actions.
Others were familiar with his past.
Trump may still pack rallies and have near-unconditional support from Republicans in the House and Senate, but a growing number of Republicans are coming out against him.
Just today, prominent Republicans George Conway (husband of Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway), Steve Schmidt, John Weaver and Rick Wilson wrote an op-ed in the New York Times entitled We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated.
The party is far from United.