Before he was President Trump's Secretary for Urban Development, Ben Carson was an actual brain surgeon. That means he should know the basics of health protocol.
While appearing at a press conference to address the threat of COVID-19 in the United States, he certainly received reminders about behaviors to avoid. That didn't stop him, however, from coughing directly into his hand as soon as he took the podium.
Moments later, he followed his cough up by touching his face.
Twitter was glad Carson gave us a perfect example of what not to do.
To be fair, Carson hasn't been a practicing surgeon for several years.
It's a miracle Ben Carson isn't sick.
Carson also got some attention during the press conference for recommending prayer to avoid the coronavirus (despite his years in the medical profession).
Twitter was, needless to say, frustrated.
But, sadly, Ben Carson learned his behaviors from the man at the top.
As the country attempts to stop the spread of COVID-19, remember NOT to follow Ben Carson's example!