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Tiffany Trump Decided To Quote Helen Keller In Her #BlackoutTuesday Post, And It Didn't Go Over Too Well

Tiffany Trump Decided To Quote Helen Keller In Her #BlackoutTuesday Post, And It Didn't Go Over Too Well
Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

The adult Trump child the public hears from least often has to be Tiffany, the President's second daughter.

But when she does speak up, she's often less concerned with following her father than her elder siblings.

For example, as protests erupt nationwide against racial bias and police brutality, Tiffany chose to participate in the #BlackoutTuesday of Tuesday, June 2, in support of Black lives everywhere.

Tiffany captioned her post with a quote from Helen Keller.

It read:

"Alone we can achieve so little; together we can achieve so much."

Responses to Trump's post were mixed online.

There were some people who felt Tiffany's post was an empty gesture, but others appreciated her thoughts.

While Trump's post was hardly revolutionary, some felt it was nice to see a member of the family acknowledging the systemic racism many protests have been trying to call attention to.

It seems Tiffany is willing to speak her mind when she feels strongly enough.

If Tiffany is serious about her support, many hoped she might start a productive dialogue with her father, the President.

Tiffany Trump, welcome to the resistance.