Gas station sushi is notorious because in no circumstance should one consume raw fish that seems to have been packaged at a gas station.
But this particular brand of sushi is not the only kind of food you should be on the lookout for. Food gets produced in all number of weird places, and you really should be aware before you buy something that will make you sick.
u/riptide747 asked:
What is the "gas station sushi" of other food?
Here were some of those answers.
Ominous Fountains
Chocolate fountain at Golden Corral
Don't do it. Just watch it for a few minutes and you'll learn why.
Aggressive Sushi
When your motel in an off-season resort town in Mexico aggressively encourages you to use a coupon for an all you can eat sushi buffet, you should probably just go get some street tacos instead.
Steamed Cheeseburgers
You know those so called "burgers" from the cold-case vending machines? The ones with a waffle-textured "meat" patty and a slice of american cheese?
When you microwave them in the little bag, you wind with a steamed burger that has a taste like nothing else.
Ikea Eat Your Heart Out
Canned meatballs from the dollar store. Yes it exists. Yes it probably took a few years off my life.
Fake Cheese?!
The "American Slices" at the dollar store. Bought some once, tried to make a grilled cheese sandwich and the "cheese" wouldn't melt. Took a closer look at the package and it said "Imitation Pasteurized American Cheese Slices" in fine print.
So they were fake fake cheese. Basically yellow salty plastic squares.
Eyes Braver Than A Stomach
I'm going to go with canned chicken.
They're small little birds, so you get the entire bird in a can. It's packed in with gelatin, so after you open the can you turn it upside down and schlorp out this gelatinous mass shaped exactly like the can, with the chicken floating in this blob of gelatin.
It then holds its shape for a moment or three and then loses cohesiveness. You'd think the gelatin would drop away from the chicken and leave you with a chicken sitting in goo. That's not what happens at all. The chicken has exactly the same consistency as the gelatin, and so everything falls apart together into this heap of meat and gelatin. There's bones in there, but you can't tell because they too have the same consistency. Meat and gelatin and bone, all are the same primordial Lovecraftian ooze.
You then eat it... If you're really, really hungry.
Sugary Filling
Faux Pop-Tarts made with the generic brand of the grocery store that's selling them. Doughy with too much solid crust around the edges and too little generic jelly filling. And they are always called something stupid like "Toaster Frolics."
Non Est
Well, a lot of people (present company included) think that calling the green canister "Parmesan Cheese" is blasphemy
Food Untouched
The prerapped pastries, donuts etc at 7-11 so gross, in fact anything, the coffee and food related, if they didnt invent the hot dog roller they certainly perfected the month old never been served hot dogs.
Germ City
The doughnut case at WaWa, or any other gas station. Literally seen maybe a 4 year old walk up to it, open it up and proceeds to sneeze the biggest nastiness sneeze all inside and over everything, close it up and walk away.