Music is something that connects us all as humans. There are so many different genres and styles that have influenced or have bore from cultures around the world.
Because there are so many unique differences when it comes to music, be it classical or electronic dance music, there are bound to be some conflict of opinions.
Redditor GW2RNGR asked:
"What is your most unpopular music opinion?"
Music has changed quite a bit over the past few decades alone. These opinions definitely highlight how the music industry has shaped our music tastes.
Do we like them for the music or the theatrics?
"Most mainstream musicians focus more on their theatrics and personas instead of music so a lot of it sounds the same and it's bland."
"Because for the most part they don't write their music, in fact most artists from the us share the same 2-3 song writers/lyricists, so no wonder why they all sound the same. It's made to be perfectly safe and marketable and generic. Because a song that dares to try something new is a risky move that may not give profit, so generic soulless song that takes no risk with guaranteed success it is."
Everyone forget the producers.
"Sometimes producers should have more credit than artists."
"THIS idk about other songs but in rap nowadays producers make so much impact on the song it basically becomes a different song with different producers."
Producers really make magic happen.
"Definitely this. I really liked a female singer, absolutely beautiful songs and amazing vocals. And then I saw her live and it sounded like awful karaoke. I still like her music, but I only listen to the fully produced stuff."
- DrunkMc
"Hahaha - a bunch of years back, Black Eyed Peas were hired to headline a big festival where I live...a place we don't usually get big names. No one could believe how awful they sounded live. None of them can sing, at all, especially Fergie. I know this is mostly a popular opinion but I so distinctly remember the opening bars of the first song and seeing the audience glance around at each other in disbelief."
Sometimes the instruments alone are enough.
"Instrumentals are heavily underrated."
"Agreed. That's one of EDM's main appeals for me... no need to constantly be singing over the music. I want to listen to my angry robots f*ck in peace without some flesh bag straining their vocal cords over the top of it."
What The Reaction GIF by MOODMANGiphyMetalica actually has great instrumentals.
"Most people I know who like Metallica always skip Orion, but in my opinion it's one of their best songs."
"Seriously, Metallica's instrumentals are phenomenal."
"I'm old enough to remember when she used to record music. It seems like she famous for being Beyoncé."
"Her Destiny's Child and early solo stuff was good. But I agree her last few albums have been somewhere between very average and bad."
"Honestly I think most people are just afraid to criticize her."
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Is he the greatest rapper still?
"Eminem is very talented and I can appreciate that. However, to me he just sounds like a pissed off chihuahua."
"His first 3 albums were great because he showed how talented he was and that he didn't take himself too seriously. Now he comes off as a pretentious ahole who is talented and can't take a joke anymore."
"He's an extremely talented lyricist and vocalist but the problem is his sound and style are very much a product of his time in a way that aged poorly while his content has never really evolved past him constantly trying to prove that he's the best rapper alive even though we all got the point like 15 years ago."
"That said hearing and seeing Em live for the first time back in 99 when SSLP first dropped was something else and there will probably never be another rapper with that out of this world level of impact ever again."
- ReeG
eminem does he even know aging does exist GIFGiphyThe feud between rock and pop continues
"Every time somebody says that rock is dead I laugh really hard because I've heard it before... in 1978 from disco kids."
"Every time a new genre is invented, they shout from mthe rooftops that rock is dead. It's satirical"
- bpanio
"Every time a new genre is invented, rock fans come out in hoards complaining about how its sh!tty music made by untalented people."
- Sebabpg
"If you look up the top 100 songs from 1978, about half of them are rock. In 2020, like two or three of them are rock."
"So? Just because it's not mainstream anymore doesn't mean it's dead."
"Art should not be a popularity contest, especially not one with that much corporate influence."
Surprisingly enough, a lot of these 'unpopular opinions' are fairly popular. So, can we still call them unpopular?
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