Death is hard. Saying goodbye to a loved one is one of life's worst hurdles. But maybe if we had some fun with death it could be more bearable or understandable. Who hasn't thought of faking their own passing just to see the attendance and then awaken and really shock everyone? Fun is essential in sad times.
Redditor u/frenreico42 wanted to know how everyone has... or has everyone.... dreamed of ways to cause hilarity at their passing of life celebration by asking... How would you put the fun in funeral?
Oprah style....
GiphyAt the end throw a bouquet of flowers to see who is next. ScotianStupid
Think bigger, throw the corpse. pototoes_
Since it's been an ongoing joke for my entire life, I actually want to be brought in late to my own funeral. crazyjake91
I am probably gonna write down something similar. "Please make sure to wheel me in about 15min late, because that's how I lived life as well." AErt2rule
'Pop goes the weasel'
Start with a closed casket. But at some point the organ begins to slowly play the music for 'Pop goes the weasel'. The music keeps getting slowly faster and faster as more and more people stare at the casket in horrific expectation. varthalon
My mom wants this but she wants a spring loaded casket full of glitter. She also wants strippers and some other random crap. And apparently I'm the one that's supposed to make this happen when she dies. mother_of_dragons011
Everyone gets a taser.
Last one standing in my Battle royale gets all my stuff. Klaus_Klavier
Second place gets the ashes. m_sporkboy
It depends.....
GiphyIt depends on the person and family. My grandfather had a great sense of humor and loved to tell jokes. At his funeral, we celebrated his life of over 104 years. Everyone who got up to speak told a funny story or fun memory of him and a lot of laughter was had. Granadafan
Birthdays are for the dying. Funerals are for the living.
I was at a funeral of one of the aunties of my ex gf, she was from Suriname. During the whole funeral everybody was dancing and singing. At the end they told me that it was about celebrating life instead of feeling sorrow for death. lil_beanie420
Birthdays are for the dying. Funerals are for the living. WeedMan420BonerGod
Now for the details:
I would make mine a social event. Talk about me or don't talk about me. The fact that you came to see me off is good enough. My legacy has already been shared and my work here on this planet has been completed.
Now for the details:
Full service ice cream bar
My favorite EDM playing
Nachos and taco bar. Stamafia
My funeral is going to also be a roast. And I want there to be some kind of accident that occurs with the corpse. PhreedomPhighter
I hope it's not your typical weenie roast. Yes, I called your weenie "typical". NicNoletree
Fire me out of my new corpse cannon. mykylodge
Didn't George Carlin want to be fired out of a cannon against the side of a building? SPLAT. I think it's great. It would be hard to organize though. I'm sure some safety whiner would step in as they were setting up the cannon. jerkfacebeaversucks