Unfortunately our academic institutions aren't infallible.
Often times students get targeted for unfair reasons or because the administration doesn't know how best to handle difficult situations. That is something we've all seen happen to our fellow students.
u/brucethebatcat87684 asked:
What was the dumbest way you saw a kid get suspended at school?
Here were some of those answers.
Came Clean And Paid For It
My friend had accidentally kept his hunting knife in his pocket and came in with it on Monday. He turned it in to the security office but was still suspended for carrying it into the school. Wtf.
Not Out To Get You, Teach
I was in math class. The kid next to me didnt understand what was shown on the board so I was explaining to him while pointing at the board. The teacher accused me of sticking up my middle finger at her and sent me off to the disciplinary office.
Snot Your Best Move
I did get detention for blowing my nose.... For some reason whenever I blow my nose it makes a really loud funny noise and it made everyone laugh and the teacher thought I did it on purpose to disrupt class.
How Do You Even....
Teacher here.
Short version: Kid bit a chunk out of his deodorant stick. Just...chomped in like an ice cream bar. Instsntly spat it out, but of course I had to ask a teacher in the adjoining room if I oughta call the principal or poison control. His folks got a call home, he got ISS. Asked him later why he did it, he said he "thought it would be funny."
He was right, I've told the story a dozen or more times since, and it never fails to make someone laugh, or at least cringe.
30 Years And Still Salty
It was me. I told this story before on how I went to high school in the late 90s, just as schools were first starting to get the Internet. This was back in the day when any seemingly innocuous search would bring up porn. Well, it happened to me, our history class had the computer lab one period doing research, porn came up on my screen, and I was sent to the office.
I had never been in trouble before in school, but too they didn't believe me it was an accident. But they didn't know what to do with me either so I was suspended for the rest of the day (I went home). Then, it started happening to other students and teachers and they finally realized this was a problem so they put filters on the Internet. But was I ever apologized too? Absolutely not. I'm still salty about this.
Gross Gross Gross Gross
I didn't see this take place, but the story spread like wildfire and a teacher confirmed it was legit. A guy in my year was on the school bus home when he needed to pee really badly. He wouldn't get home for at least 40 minutes, no way he could hold it that long. He had a plastic bottle in his bag from lunch, so he quickly chugged the leftover contents, covered himself best he could and tried to discreetly relieve himself into the bottle.
All was well until he tried to stash the bottle in his bag. Someone saw it, put 2 and 2 together, snatched the bottle and tried to throw it out the window - however the lid wasn't on securely, which led to the still warm piss being tipped all over one of the Year 11 students.
The school suspended the pisser, not the piss thrower.
Toys Down
A friend of mine had a GI Joe gun (as in the tiny little non-functioning guns that go in the action figures' hands) in his pocket that he forgot about. It fell out during a class, and some idiot behind him said "Aaahhh, he's got a gun!" He got two days of ISS (in school suspension) for it.
Punishing The Hurt
I got sucker punched from behind for no reason and couldn't retaliate by the time I got up. I was suspended because my school had a zero tolerance policy for violence and I was involved in a violent incident.
Some People Shouldn't Be Teachers
Not suspended but detention in 5th grade. My hair got caught between my desk and the desk next to me because we sat in twos. I ask the girl next to me if she can move her desk cuz my hair was caught and the teacher yelled at me and wouldn't even let me explain, and she viciously moved my desk to the back of the room by myself and gave me detention. It was so embarrassing and it made me cry. She hated me for some reason, that whole school year she picked on me. Angry woman..
What Micro-Management
I went to junior high in a building with a ring shaped hallway containing lockers. The school administration were stright out of Footloose and they decided that students would only be allowed to walk clockwise around this hallway, to prevent collisions. Lucky me, my locker was about six feet from my homeroom hallway, in a counterclockwise direction. To reach my locker "legally" I had to walk past it but almost in arms reach, and then circumnavigate the entire stupid circular hallway. Obviously, I got suspended for disrespecting the "one way" rule too many times