Meet The Press has had enough of climate change deniers.
On Sunday, Meet The Press host Chuck Todd announced "We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled even if political opinion is not."
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According to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted earlier this year, two thirds of those surveyed believe that climate change is a serious problem.
Sunday's show was dedicated to global warming, and included guests Michael Bloomberg, California Governor Jerry Brown, climate scientist Kate Marvel, and a bevy of others. "We do have a panel of experts with us today to help us understand the science and consequences of climate change and, yes, ideas to break the political paralysis over it," said Todd.
Kate Marvel, a scientist at Columbia University and NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, echoed the sentiment about political paralysis, saying that educating the public is key. "I think it's really important for scientists to go out in communities, engage with what's important to people in communities."
Bloomberg called out the current administration, saying "Any candidate for federal office better darn well have a plan to deal with the problem that the Trump science advisers say could, basically, end this world."
Brown was even more critical: "It took Roosevelt many, many years to get America willing to go into world war two and fight the Nazis," he said. "Well, we have an enemy, though different, but perhaps very much devastating in a similar way."
"This year," said Todd, "a series of climate reports, including one produced by 13 agencies in Mr. Trump's government, issued dire warnings of economic and human catastrophe, if there is not immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But the federal response to the climate crisis has been political paralysis and denial."
When asked in November about global warming, Donald Trump said "I don't believe it." It seems the president won't be a guest on Meet The Press any time soon.