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People Describe Their Most Embarrassing Trips To The Doctor

"Reddit user Negative_Pay_3835 asked: 'What was your most embarrassing trip to the doctor?'"

Mid shot of a doctor with their arms crossed. One hand holds a stethoscope.

Visiting the doctor can be a highly stressful activity.

In fact, having to go to the doctor for stress can cause more stress.

Go figure.

Which is why so many of us end up making fools out of ourselves when in the room.

I know I've given too much information and maybe some flatulence.

Being embarrassed in front of the doctor can leave you in need of a therapist.

Yet another doctor who makes us feel the nerves.

Redditor Negative_Pay_3835 wanted to swap stories about why we all hate the doctor, so they asked:

"What was your most embarrassing trip to the doctor?"

The Black Eye

"A horse knocked me with its face in my face. Got a really good black eye and when I went to the doctor, he asked me several times if I was telling the truth and I should press charges to that 'horse.' Everyone thought it was my boyfriend who hurt me. It was so embarrassing just because no one believed me 😅."

- Limp_Appeal_2735

"So my then boyfriend had over a foot and 120lbs on me, but he got stung on the eyelid by a bee (allergic). Huge black eye when the swelling went down. The people working in our apartment building pulled him aside to ask if he needed help. I was offended at first but then... ya know men can be victims too."

- LtCommanderCarter


"At age 12 I woke up with a testicle the size of a grapefruit. Walk out to the kitchen, 'Hey mum, can you book me a GP appointment, please?' - 'Why?' she asks. There was some back and forth because I didn't want to tell her. In the end, I just dropped my pants and showed her. She agreed a visit to the GP was in order, which turned into a confused GP, which turned into the ER at Box Hill Hospital and a bunch of confused medics. They suggested I go to see the Royal Children's Hospital, which would be expecting me."

"Get there, on a gurney, naked from the waist down, Doc breezes in, looks down, and exclaims, 'My, that is impressive.' Then came the 30ish medical students, because it was something not usually seen in someone my age. So many hands fondled my bits that day. Backlit the testes with a torch to see the fluid."

"It was a hydrocele, I had them on both sides. The op to fix it killed me, thankfully they brought me back."

- kelfromaus

Below the Belt

"I'd been having weird pain in my groins/testicles. I made an appointment and told them why I was there when I arrived. Got led into an examination room and told to expose the area by the nurse as she left."

"So I was lying on the table, unbuttoned my pants, and exposed myself. Just laid there with my junk cold and waited. A few minutes later another young lady walks in and gets flustered. She tells me I can cover up and then starts poking at my stomach asking if it hurt, etc, and then takes an x-ray of my stomach."

"She left and said the doctor would be with me shortly."

"The doctor arrives and asks what symptoms I'm having etc. I start telling her and she gets this confused look on her face, double-checks her clipboard, and then excuses herself."

"Apparently, they'd got confused about why I was there and thought I was having stomach pains. So that nurse walks in expecting a normal encounter with a patient suffering from stomach issues and gets treated to a limp unit in her face for seemingly no reason."

"The combination of embarrassment, being made to feel like it was my fault, and not being able to trust they'd be organized enough was enough to make me never go back."

- MaestroLogical


"Currently laying in bed from an impromptu testicular torsion surgery. At least 15 touched or saw my junk yesterday. Apparently, I also had an erection during the entire 30-minute operation. I was under general anesthesia."

- FromYoTown

"When I went in for my vasectomy, I had my feet up in the stirrups and we got far enough along that they'd shaven the incision site when they finally thought to ask about my recent medication intake. Apparently one of the meds I was on contraindicated surgery so I had to reschedule for two weeks later."

- II_Confused

Like a Pro

"They couldn't find my coil to remove it. Had about 3 folks rummaging about until an older matron-style nurse came in, threw my legs in the air, pressed on my stomach and whipped it out like a pro, and left as quick as she came."

- keto_emma

Tired Over It GIF by Kassi AshtonGiphy

On the tip

"I woke up to find a tick embedded into the head of my penis. Went to the emergency room. I learned that you can suffocate them by spraying them with soapy water. They will back out on their own because they can’t breathe. They checked the tick and me for Lyme and both came back negative."

- Beneficial_Tool_8312


"I went to the urologist because I have a spastic bladder. He put me in stirrups and told me to cough… I sprayed the man like a cat in heat! Then he asked me to do it again, and I farted. I’ve never been so mortified."

- m_batatas

4-Year Disaster

"When I was in college and found myself in my first relationship, I was having trouble getting erections. I knew nothing of performance anxiety and thought it was something physically wrong, so I went to the university hospital and was evaluated by a female med student not much older than myself."

"She was pretty great, in that she recognized how embarrassing this was and acknowledged how tough and unusual it was for someone in their early 20s to even seek medical attention for something like this. That was 20+ years ago and I still cringe thinking about it."

"Thankfully, I quickly got over it and was able to perform. The relationship was a 4-year disaster, but that had nothing to do with my di*k, but more with my partner's desire to sample many other di*ks in that time frame."

- SpickeZe


"My son, around 6 months old or so, was turning blue, all over his arms and chest. We were freaking out, despite the fact he was acting fine."

"The doctor was able to get us in relatively quickly. With the short notice, we saw the doctor's assistant first. He checked our son over really well and said everything seemed normal. As he was about to walk out and make us wait on the doctor, he said he wanted to try something really quick. He grabbed an alcohol swab and started rubbing my son's skin... the f**king blue was coming off."

"My wife had put a new sleeper on him, not hard to guess what color it was, without washing it first. We felt so dumb, but also extremely relieved at the same time. If the damn thing had been any other color we probably would have realized it ourselves. It worked out in our favor, he was due for his 6-month checkup soon and they went ahead and did his vaccinations and all that while we were there."

- axron12

Find a Doctor

"At 21, I was dumber than most. That college summer, I was able to live in an old house and help remodel it in exchange for rent. Being the only one living there in recent years meant a lot of work. A few weeks into summer, I get these weird bumps between my fingers. Then armpits. Ultimately, I see the same bumps on my weiner. Frantic and convinced I had herpes, I ran to my pediatrician, having not acquired a regular doctor yet. In my anxious haste, I pull out the weiner and show him what has me so terrified and disgusted.

"My doctor, knowing me all my life, calmly asks I put it away. After zipping up my pants, he explains I have scabies and the process of getting rid of these b**tards. He finishes his speech by letting me know it is time to find a regular doctor. I am too old to be seeing a pediatrician. I left embarrassed yet relieved. As luck would have it, they were in the old house with carpet and padding. The previous owner did taxidermy in the living room."

- differentworld80

Sad Penis

"Bruised penis. Ex-Gf kinda jumped on it and it sort of kinked. Surprisingly it didn't hurt, but it got swollen and dark really quickly. I got freaked out and thought I'd caught some radical new STD. Thought my penis was gonna explode. At the time I remembered that line from that Eddie Murphy bit. Got freaked out, ex did her best to calm me down. Ironically my penis was now roughly twice its regular size and black but somehow I was less thrilled than I possibly should have been."

"I went to the Drs first thing in the morning, I explained the situation and the doctor already smirking said 'Alright, show me.'"

"The next words out of his mouth were 'Jesus mate, that's a beauty. Do you know how people pay to get that done?'"

"Look, I had spent like 9 hours terrified that my penis was permanently broken. The doctor at least got me to chill. Unfortunately, the upgrades didn't last long."

- _m0rt4l_w0mb4t

2 Holes

"When I took my 1-week-old son to the doctor because I thought he had a second butthole. Turned out to be an indention. Nothing to worry about 🤣🤣 so embarrassing."

- Natural_Peace0

Shocked Baby GIFGiphy

Higher & Higher

"One time when I was 4 I put a small Lego piece up my nose (don't ask me why, I was 4)."

"My mum couldn't get it out, and all attempts just pushed it higher and higher up my nose and started hurting. Eventually, she took me to the local hospital. After the 10-hour wait we were finally seen by a doctor or nurse, and when they looked the piece was gone."

"It either casually fell out or I somehow absorbed that thing. More embarrassing for my mum than it was for 4-year-old me."

- Bagel-luigi

I'm Dead

"Went through a circumcision for medical reasons, the doctor was a woman, apart from her analyzing my penis before and post-op, but you know, that's her job."

"After 1 month I came in for a check-up, after which I recovered, she asked me the following question: 'Does it hurt when you have sex?'"

"Alright that's not that bad, however, I was single at the time, and instead of simply saying no, I said 'I didn't have the opportunity to try it out,' she follows it up with... Does it hurt when you pleasure yourself?' I died inside."

- Inevitable-Pie-8020

Hide Reaction GIF by florGiphy

Being honest with the doctor can leave you flushed.

But we applaud these brave folks for seeking medical attention, even if they didn't need any. It's always best to be safe.